Sunday, November 25, 2007

Simple Pleasures

This afternoon, because it was so cold, Bopper and I decided to make chocolate chip cookies. Yummy.

We had a mix, of sorts, but not the ready-made dough. We added eggs, vanilla, walnuts, butter, and motz.

Ashley, of course, was bent out of shape that Michael and I were doing something that she wasn't. So, I plopped her on a chair and let her watch--right up close. She was content, enough so to smack Bopper and me numerous times with the wooden spoon!

As we started, Bopper said, "Grampa, I'm your assistant." I roared. He did most of the work, breaking the eggs, pouring the motz, adding the nuts, etc. He mixed most of it and put the dough on the cookie sheet. And, if I do say so myself, they were quite tasty. But, even better as you might imagine, was the raw dough! Very yummy!

We ate some cookies today and Bopper has a special treat in his lunch at school tomorrow.

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