Friday, December 21, 2007


OK, there is one (well more than one!) aspect of Christmas that seems to get me going more than other times. Maybe it's because it's more prevalent, open this time of the year.

Why do so many people hug and kiss each other? No, more specifically, why do they assume others want to be hugged and/or kissed?

I suppose they think it's their way of showing affection, that they care. But, if they really "cared," wouldn't they ask the others first?

I am very uncomfortable hugging others. Does that mean I don't care, am not affectionate, etc.? I especially don't like hugs and kisses from casual acquaintances, people I don't really know. Again, maybe they are showing that they think they are more important in my life than I realize or acknowledge. I don't know.

I am especially miffed when I see some hugging and kissing others, because it's trendy I guess, when those some never did it before it became trendy. And, it is more irksome when the hugging and kissing is for others who certainly are not part of their intimate lives.

Hugging and kissing has become so trite that it has become meaningless, except to show how trendy one is, how much one cares. And, I suppose, that is what American life has become, showing how much we care, not really caring.

Just one man's lonely opinion.

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