Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Michigan is a beautful state. I love living here. The four distinct seasons, although sometimes seeming to drag on a bit, are wonderful. They offer bits and pieces of different parts of the US. What brings this on are several e-mails from people in Fla, Az, Cal, etc. or on cruises in sunny climes. I think each and every one of the senders said something like, "I know you don't want to hear this, but...." Then they describe the weather, invariably sunny with temperatures in the 70s or 80s. No, I don't mind hearing those weather reports. No, I don't envy those there. If they like their nice weather--GOOD! I like it here just fine, especially since another turn of the seasons is just around the corner.

One of my most insightful, intelligent buddies once noted that athletes, once they start reminiscing when they are older, "forget" wins and losses. Oh, they might really remember, but focus on other things, "I was all-league" or "I really hammered that all-stater" or something like that. Yep, we had a bit of a thread going this week that reminded me of my buddy's smarts. Nope, we never really talked about wins and losses. Oh, we did compare our much more competitive schedule (a D3 school that often, then, played D1 and D2, many of whom were nationally ranked) to the current schedule (mostly D3 schools, too). But no records came up. We did talk about some funny things, some rather incredible, if lucky, feats, etc. Yep, although I was lucky enough to play with three national championship teams, I rarely think about the championships. Mostly, over all the years, I remember and get the biggest kicks out of the guys, the funny stuff, the individual feats. Yep, I had a lot of fun.

What's with sending 15-year olds, any 15-year olds, to college? Oh, it's not quite that simple, but several school districts are implementing new plans to allow their high schools students to, concurrently, take community college classes. This will lead to high school diplomas and associate degrees upon completion. There are other guidelines and, I suppose, restrictions. I understand the school districts' falling for this--there's money in it!!!! It's another hare-brained scheme, without any deep thought, coming our of our governor's office. Many of our college students today can't or won't do college work. What leads anyone to think some 15-year old can or will? How many of these 15-year olds will not successfully complete the program? Of course, if many don't, the program will die--so....? Simply, they will complete the program so it won't die. We can't have a failed program, can we? Note the increases in college attendance over the past 20-25 years. What has happened to curriculum, to standards, etc.? Obviously, all have been watered down. If students who were once not able or not willing to do the rigorous work required of a (real) college degree are admitted (accompanied by the requisite expansion in building, staff, and bureaucracy), common sense tells us that some serious watering down of standards, etc. is required. After all, these students can't be failed. It will kill the program--oh, and not pay for the aforementioned expansion. As expected, the Free Press fell lockstep into this plan. Sometimes I just wonder.... Are these the people leading education? They don't listen to anything that criticizes the latest empty program/plans. Can you spell d-o-o-m-e-d?

I really got a kick out of the Detroit pastors' support for Kwame Kilpatrick. Hmmm..."pastors," sort of like "Christians?" "KK," sort of like "cheating," "lying," and worse, maybe even "murder?" Why is that? Is it because KK has done some good, positive things for Detroit? Well, Mussoline "made the trains run on time." Hitler eliminated unemployment and restored a nation's spirit. Is that what it's all about? And what about the congregants? Do they accept their pastors' support? Do they pull an Obama and lie about hearing, then fix the lie, or ignore the Christian message sent by their ministers? Yes, KK should resign or at least take a leave of absence. What other city employee (who pays KK's salary?) would be allowed to continue to work, drawing that pay check, if facing similar felony charges? Right, NONE! In fact, KK should resign and talk Gov Jennie into resigning, too. At least he has some success stories.

I enjoy listening to talk radio. Most of the guys are blowhards or really not very reasoned. But I listen anyway. I like hearing the different view points. I do get to keep up on issues, although often hearing just one side of them. I also enjoy listening to these guys, very well paid, often butcher up the English language (of course, they are fully in favor of immigrants having to speak English, but they themselves often have trouble with it!). The other day, one of them used the word "spinned," as in "they spinned the story...." That was a new one for me. And this guy must make six and likely seven figures. Two of the very best on the air are Detroit's Frank Beckmann, who's really very good on knowing the issues and all sides of them before taking a usually right position, and Phil Valentine. PV, I think, is out of Nashville, at least somewhere in Tennessee. He's folksy, down home, so his English faux pas are natural, intentional. He doesn't seem to take himself seriously as some self-anointed intellectual. Yet, the big names could take a few lessons from him. He is logical, down-to-earth, and sensible. Hey, can he be President?

As usual....

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