Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Back in Business

Whew! Hard to believe that it's been since March since I have talked to myself on this blog. Lots has happened.

I was listening to a Christian radio station this AM (yep, it's true!). The guest was Charles Colson, of Watergate fame. He was saying things that were right on the money. One was how our sense of values has declined over the past 40-50 years. Our sense of right and wrong has become warped. In part, it is because of "moral relativism," that wonderful (of course I'm being very facetious) "diversity" movement. We have been taught that there is no right and wrong, that people who do terrible things (can you say terrorists?) do them for legitimate reasons, that the good guys are really at fault. Another reason is that we recruit people to be members, not to be disciples/apostles. He was speaking of Chris churches, but that could be easily translated to mean America. We are not interested if people we allow into the US are committed to the values upon which this country was founded--notably freedoms.

It's frightening that I often find myself nodding when the conservative radio jocks say things--but rarely Limbaugh or Hannity. Bill Bennett, Phil Valentine are really good. Mark Levin, I find myself agreeing with, but dislike his tone. Michael Savage is, well, Savage and is sometimes outrageous, but often on the mark. Along with Bennett and Valentine, Frank Beckmann, locally, seems to be a voice of reason and intellect.

How cool to get a rebate check from the IRS! Not! I wouldn't mind it if I knew Congress was just going to spend less money. But, no, it will merely borrow more money from, hmmm, the Commie Chinese?, to pay for it. And, get a load of this. What did we get a couple letters telling us it was coming? The check itself? So each person had more than $1 postage.... How many millions of letters went out? How much for those 3 or 4 envelopes, sheets of paper? How much for the people who sent them out? And, two days after our check arrive, we were told that ours was short because the IRS took out $170 we owed due to 2007 taxes. The next day, we received another letter telling us that another 13 cents was taken out for interest on the $170! Yes, 13 cents!!!!! Our government in action. And people want government to run health care?!?! Hasn't government already messed up the schools enough? Thanks to FDR, LBJ, and subsequent Dems, more and more people look to government to bail them out--can you say homeowners, lenders, etc.? Nobody seems to recognize that when gov't gets its hands on things, they almost always worsen.

Just one man's lonely opinions.

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