Friday, August 1, 2008


I love writing for myself.... And, I love beer!

Leonard Pitts had a wonderful column this week on the "stupidification of America," esp the young. He was, as he often is, right on the money. I don't always agree with Pitts, but he is always thoughtful, insightful, and reasoned. He wrote, "I am less concerned with what they think than 'that' they think." "They" referred to a commencement audience he addressed recently. He continued, "Because we are losing that skill." Yes, we are. And, we are concerned that the young people don't vote?!?!? Why?

Why is it that Congress receives a 10% approval rating, yet 90+% of them are returned election after election after election? Can it be H.L. Mencken was correct: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." I think so. Good book out now, The Leaders We Deserved. Do we "deserve" Kwame, Jennie, and W., not to mention the entire Congress? I think so. Far too many people are not paying attention. Blame, in large part, the schools, which have dumbed down education so far that this is the result.

OK, enough for now....

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