Saturday, November 29, 2008


Is this true? Citibank, the one crying for government (that is, taxpayer) money laid off 52,000 workers (seems high to me, but...), yet has forked over several hundred million dollars (maybe $400 million?) for the rights to name the New York Mets new stadium after Citibank. Where is the Congressional oversight on this, the grilling of the Citibank execs? I'd really like to see the campaign contributions of Citi. So, the Big 3 execs were taken to task for flying to DC, but the Citi guys haven't even been asked their shoe size?

When are Americans going to tell Congress, "ENOUGH!"? Oh, never...OK. I was just asking.


Unknown said...

Unknown said...

oh and...

The $850 million Citi Field is being subsidized with $450 million in public funds.