Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tom Daschle

So, here's another tax cheat! Hey do they all cheat--on their spouses, on their taxes...? I think we might be Diogenes, "looking for an honest man..." to no avail.

Daschle didn't pay $140K in taxes. C'mon....

Imagine if we didn't pay $$140K in taxes??? Yep. Oh, but it must be OK, when he found out about it "he corrected it rapidly." "Rapidly" just coincided with his nomination. Hmmmm. And he decreased the amount he claimed for charitable contributions (you know, like the couple hundred bucks Biden and BO had, but only in the years they ran for President!). That doesn't mean Daschle lied, does it? Nah.... I wonder if the friends who "rallied" around him included US Senators, you know like mine (both Levin and Stabenow) who, in the face of my IRS challenge, merely and uselessly directed me to the IRS Web site???

Here we go again. We let them get away with things. What is it Thomas Sowell calls them, "The Anointed?" Yep, they know better than we do--so we're going to let them pass a trillion dollar boondoggle, er..., stimulus package. Does the word "crooks" come to mind? They are willing to spend our money so wastefully, but apparently not their own. Are we willing to continuet to let them?

Write your Congressmen and, esp, Senators!!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009


I see Sen Claire McCaskill is upset that 116 of the financial institutions that received TARP (unattached bailout!) money last fall paid an average of $2.6 million for executive bonuses. She called the Wall Street folks "idiots." Maybe she'd better rethink that. Who are the "idiots?" Those who take free money, with no strings attached, and give it to themselves? Or those who give away other people's (taxpayers') money with no strings attached? Hmmmm.

And these are the same people voting to give away another trillion dollars!?!?

Maybe we are the "idiots" for electing these people and then letting them do such stupid things?? If people don't know their history of the New Deal and how it didn't end, but likely prolonged the Depression, can't they at least remember back to last November?

Just consider what they are going to do, at least in their own words. One, they are going to pass a trillion dollar "stimulus" (you say stimulus, I say boondoggle) package, but without raising taxes (at least except on the rich--interesting how the figure tossed about for the cutoff line for paying more taxes is about $200/250K and members of Congress make about $185, including their recent 4-5% raise). So, that means there are only two other ways to raise the money for the $1 trillion dollar boondoggle, er, stimulus. One, it can be borrowed--from say, the Commie Chinese, the Saudis, et al. It's great to hear that we're doing business with people who hate our guts, not that they'd have ulterior motives. And borrowing so much money, who's going to pay it back--and it has to be paid back or who will lend in the future? Well, not these bozos (thanks to Lee Iacocca for reviving this term for these people), but our children and grandchildren. Isn't it nice to leave them such a loving gift? Our selfish generation will be the only one in US history not to want to see our children better off than we are. (Oh, I know we say we do, but we certainly don't act it.) Two, we can print it (or go out back and shit some, as my mother-in-law used to say). Let's see, printing up $1 trillion will lead to what, $923 loaves of bread, $663 gallons of milk--that's called inflation and that's what happens when governments just print up money. And, as Casey Stengel used to say, "You can look it up." See the Weimar/German inflation of 1923-24.

I continue to think I'm living a bad dream, with foolish things going around and nobody paying attention. "The World Turned Upside Down...."


OK, let's see if I have this right. A single mother of six, who lives with her parents, has octuplets because she has taken fertility drugs???? Is all of that right?

What is a single woman doing with six kids (divorce or otherwise?)? Why is she taking fertility drugs? What doctor would prescribe them? What state wouldn't revoke the license of such a doctor?

Of course, dollars to doughnuts, guess who'll pay for these kids, maybe all 14, to be raised? Good guess....


People have questioned me about how I think we have created a generation too soft to face the hard times ahead, that the times are going to be much worse than need be because too many people are wimps, weenies. Check out this four-minue video, which helps to explain what I mean:

Meanwhile, please contact your US Senators about voting no on the stimulus boondoggle. We don't even have to go back to the 1930s to see government spending doesn't work. Just go back to November and the investment bailout! That's worked just great so far, if you're an investment company executive! If the WSJ is correct, too, only 12 cents of every "stimulus" dollar will actually be for "stimulus." The rest must be for paperwork and more "bridges to nowhere." Are we really so selfish to mortgage our kids' and grandkids' futures (the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt) to make life a bit easier for us????

And consider, $1.2 trillion in "stimulus" money--about $40K for every man, woman, child--even Cody, now a month old! Why not just give us the money, each of us? Talk about lining of votes for the next election--who would vote against someone who just gave you $40,000? Or, if we limit the recipients to 18 and older, it's over $70K. I want one of those 5 million jobs to be created by the stimulus package. If my calculator is correct, each job will earn about $400,000. That is, less paperwork and....

What was it, "shameful and disgusting" BO said about the bonuses the financial execs were getting from the bailout money. Yes, it is, very much so. I wonder if he knows his own Sec of the Treasury, you know, the guy who "forgot" to pay his federal taxes!, received a half million dollar bonus when he left his gov't job to accept the Treasury position. $500,000 bonus for leaving a government job! Perhpas BO doesn't have the same definitions of "shameful and disgusting" that I have????

If you think this stuff is bad, wait until Al Franken gets his seat in the US Senate!!!!!

And don't believe all that positive comparison between BO and Abe Lincoln. It's all a crock. If you want to see an essay, let me know.

Out to play Dora Memory with Ashley.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Early Tue AM Thoughts...

...before going out to shovel 2" of powder before heading off to class.

Can you believe the nerve of some people????? The former head of Oakland Schools, who was convicted and jailed for being a crook while on the job, is suing for "wrongful" dismissal. He, apparently, wants backpay and compensation because his reputation has been tarnished so he can't get meaningful employment. Hmmm. With a rep like that, why doesn't he run for Congress?

The Senate confirmed our nontaxpaying Treasury Secretary. No surprise there. They all take care of their own, like school administrators. And, because we don't pay attention or don't care (take your pick), they--the pols and the administrators--get away with the most egregious of behavior. I repeat, you try not paying your taxes like this guy and see what the IRS does to you. Of course, maybe some so, ahem, familiar with the tax code might be worth having. My two US Sens likely voted for confirmation (but I'll have to check for sure). I'll have to send them a letter scolding them--as if they care what I think or write. They rarely answer and, if they do, it's not anything about my concern or it's some innocuous nonanswer ("Go to the IRS Web site...."). "Conscience of the Senate" my bejabbers! Phil Hart is rolling over in his grave.

As much as my brain tells me no death penalty in Michigan, my heart tells me otherwise. Note the guy who clobbered some woman in the head with a tire iron and then threw her in a pond to drown. At his arraignment, after being extradited from NY, he smirked and made wise cracks about the murder, even ignoring his attorney's pleas to quiet down. Just kill the scum. And I don't want to hear "Well, then the state is just becoming a murderer like those it kills." Hogwash! The state is reacting to inhuman behavior; the executed committed the inhuman behavior and don't deserve to live. This goes especially for child abusers and molesters. In fact, maybe a little torture would be in order first. I know, Iknow....

Have you seen the obscene money being tossed at baseball players? Tough economy? The little guy? Perhaps everyone should boycott MLB until it regains its senses. Oh, I already do that--but not because of the money, but because they don't play very good baseball any more. Ah, nobody will do any boycott, esp not it spending all that money means winning. I think Chuck Norris, yeah, Walker Texas Ranger, is right in his book that "we have lost our moral compass." And, unlike him, I don't think we can refind it. We're that far gone. In part, but only in part, read Cullen Murphy's Are We Rome?

I normally like Walter Williams, the columnist and economics prof at George Mason. But he is way off base in his recent article about Abe Lincoln. I will feel compelled to write a rebuttal letter-to-the-editor about it, using an old Williams' article that contradicts what he said this time. I had a letter-to-the-ed published yesterday (but nobody saw it; it was on the editorial page) which had a two-fold message: one, the Lincoln facts were distorted and, two, the distortion was by a former state superintendent of education, which isn't atypical that school leaders don't know what they are talking about. You can read the letter, if at all anyone wants to, at and navigate to the Opinions, Monday Jan 26 letters. I'll post my letter about the Williams article here once I write it.

And Michigan is finally going to stop smoking in the prisons. Oh, no...what's going to happen to the country club atmosphere? Are people going to stop committing crimes because it's no longer "fun" to be there? Who knows?

Oh, I'm on a roll, but there's show to be snoveled. Out I go....

Friday, January 23, 2009


Do you hear Reich and Rangel? If not, watch this: What arrogant, hypocritical boobs! Al Campanis, Jimmy the Greek, etc. couldn't get away with this--why can they?

Of course, that's like paying your taxes (can you say "Charlie Rangel" again?). If you "forget," it's OK, as long as you "remember" to pay them two days before being appointed to head the Treasury Dept.

Can you imagine saying, with a straight face, "Senator Al Franken?" Of course not, but get used to it. Thank you, Minnesota! Didn't he have some tax, ahem, issues, too? I don't remember. Of course, how about "Senator Caroline 'You Know" Kennedy?" Well, it looks like we'll be spared that one, for a while at least. But what is the concern with her, the concern the NY gov seems to have? Tax issues? So what (see above)? Marital problems (huh?) Nanny problems (why is that an issue with politicians?)

Monica Conyers was spending thousands of dollars for meals and hotel rooms. Talk about arrogance! Oh, and corruption. Think she'll go to jail for "stealing" tax monies? Right....

On the the Oscars--huh? Did I miss all of these movies? And I never heard of most of the nominees. Two safe bets: the guy who died to win and Milk to win. But, "frankly, Scarlet, I don't give a damn." The last movie I saw at the theater, I think, was the first Transformer movie, with Michael (son) when he was in elementary school. Gee, I haven't missed anything, have I? I don't think so.

And how about yet another sign that the Apocalypse is near: some singer I haven't heard of, but is apparently a superstar, has a song title, "My Life Will Suck If You Leave Me," or something like that. Great, just great! Our powers of communication, our levels of sophistication just continue to climb, hum. This is proof that Darwin was wrong--the weakest, dumbest of the species seem to be the ones surviving.

Maybe it's time to start paying attention.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Random Weekend Thoughts

Is every other number on every jazz radio station something by Sade? It sure seems like it.

BTW, has any other superstar of rock sounded as bad as Bruce Springsteen? I like some of his stuff (the instruments, beats, etc.), but his voice is just rotten. I guess there are lots of rotten voices. Then, can we still call it "music?" Maybe, but just not good music.

With about two dozen cars either crashed or off the x-way in a five-mile stretch, yesterday afternoon, with the two right lanes (one was closed down) creeping at 20-30 mph, with the roadway completely snow-covered and/or icy, why were there still drivers cruising at high rates of speed (70 or 80?) in the right lane? I guess I don't care if they are stupid enough to endanger their own lives, but what about those of their passengers (esp kids!) and other drivers (namely me!)?

It must be great to be a radio talk show host. One can pontificate, spewing for all kinds of ideas, good and bad. If a caller refutes something, with facts, with counterpoints, all the host has to do is hang up and continue to rant and rave. This happened on my way home from class Thur night. This Levin character, how he received the moniker "The Great One" is beyond me, but also Limbaugh, Hannity, et al do the same, just hangs up and calls names if challenged. The standard line is, "Get off my show, Dummy!" and then something like "typical lib." Isn't it great that a noble political wing, conservatism, has to rely on these characters, Coulter, etc.? No, it's not. Conservatism gets a much better slant from Sowell, Williams, Krauthammer, Will, etc.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Give Me a Break!

OK, BO nominates a guy to be Treasury Secretary (remember this, Treasury Secretary) and the guy didn't pay $34,ooo in taxes over a couple of years!?!?! And, a BO spokesman said this guy's service to his country (you know, in government, where "service" means spending other people's money!) shouldn't be sacrificed because of "an honest mistake." "An honest mistake!?!?" Yeah, right. Why was the "honest mistake" only paid a few days before his nomination was announced? Hmmmm. Does that mean he wouldn't have paid it? And, this Treasury nominee "forgot" about the taxes he owed? How convenient that memory clicked in just before the nomination. And, consider if you had owed $34,000 in taxes--what would the IRS have done to you???? Hey, I didn't owe the IRS anything; by April 15 it always received what I owed. But, no, I have to pay quarterly. The damn hypocrites and what angers me more is that we let the IRS, the government, the hypocrites get away with all this crap. Remember how many people just told me, "Oh, just pay it. You can't win."????? Thanks for the support.

And, people don't want those crappy hybrid cars, the greenies. So, the government, which has mandated outrageous demands on the auto makers to make cars people won't buy, now wants to increase gasoline taxes, to make gas so expensive we'll be forced to buy the crappy hybrids. Yep, your government, you know, "Government of the people, by the people, for the people...." Oh, I forgot, they know better than we do. Yep, they who are in charge of Fannie and Freddie oversight, ruined Social Security (as if it ever had any chance), balance the budget (oh, sorry), run up an $11 trillion (we can't even imagine that figure, let alone count that high)--yep, they who know more and better than we.

And what do we do in the recent aftermath of the credit crunch, you know, the one where people who couldn't repay their loans were given them anyway? We give GMAC billions to load to, you guessed it, people whose credit ratings are even lower than they were before. What is it that is said about people who continue to do the same stupid things hoping for different results?

Yet, we remain quiet, happy in our immediate, although fleeting, prosperity. Remember Pastor Niemoeller, "First they [the Nazis] came after the Jews, but I wasn't a Jew so I said nothing. Then they came after...."

Nah, history isn't important.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


From the Clemente biog...

"Gibson had 21 wins, 20 complete games, 225 strikeouts, and an era of 2.44. Not as good as Marichal, who won 25 games, had 25 commplete games, 222 strikeouts, and and era of 2.23. Which was not as good as Koufax, who finished the season with 27 wins, 27 complete games, 317 strikeouts, and and era of 1.73."



Reading a biog of Roberto Clemente, it is easy to get angry at the treatment of black players during spring training in the South. It was all about segregation, except when it came to getting the players to win games. White players invited to golf outings, allowed to go to movie theaters, eat in restaurants, stay in hotels, etc. Black players had to stay on the bus and hope the whites brought them out some food and could go to the movies only on "colored days."

Clemente was furious at this, in part because of his experiences in Puerto Rico. Segregation and discrimiation were much less evident there. I was thinking....

Why didn't black just say, "No food, no play?" "No movies, no play?" Why didn't the owners just tell the Southern racist communities, "Do you know how much money we bring into your economies? Ease up or we're moving to Arizona or Calif...?" Of course, money...that's the answer. Yet why didn't more, or anyone, take a stand--at least earlier?

And, I wondered, would I, as a white player, have stood up for my black teammates? Would I have said, "Treat them like me or I'm not playing?" I don't know. It's not easy to take a stand. I think of how I went out on limbs when teaching, with few if any support from other teachers, yet I at least tried to do something. Most didn't, hiding behind flimsy rationalizations. What about the baseball segregation and discrimination? Different times....

Exclamation Point!

If this doesn't make it crystal clear....

So, the Dems are unwilling to seat the legitimately (although under the cloud of Ill political corruption--and they certainly aren't bothered by that with BO, are they!?!?!?) appointed former Ill gov (who, by most accounts, is an honorable man, but no great shakes), but can't wait for the buffon Al Franken! Do I really have to say anything else????

BTW, who can, with a straight face, say shenanigans weren't played in Minnesota? I know, I know--"What about Bush/Gore in 2000?" Among other things, statistical abnormalities didn't exist then. More important to me, at least, is what this says about Minnesotans!!!!! I think I'd be as embarrassed if I were a Gopher as I would have been both times the carpetbagger Hillary (Oh, I forgot, she has been a life-long Yankees fan.) was elected to the US Sen from NY. We don't have a lot of room to talk here in Michigan, but Al Franken????

I see the world is furious at the civilians being killed by the Israelis (and I don't at all applaud those deaths!), but remains conspicuously and predictably silent when a suicide bomber kills a few dozen people outside a Baghdad mosque the other day. (The bombing was back on page 18 or something of the newspaper.) Oh, the righteous indignation of a local Muslim cleric!!! His indignation would carry a lot more weight--maybe even be believable--if he ever, ever, spoke out against the suicide bombers. And, amazing (I'm being facetious here) that the media and world opinion are the same as this.... Remember, the murder over a cartoon of Muhammad, the decades-long prison sentence (later commuted) for "Tickle Me Muhammad?" Yep....

Mindful of the British band at Yorktown, playing "The World Turned Upside Down."

Sunday, January 4, 2009


From today's newspaper:

A Detroit lawyer received a Dec bill from the IRS for, hold on to your hat, 5 cents! Yep, a whole nickel. He was informed to pay his bill, it wasn't an option, "to avoid additional penalty and/or interest." A second IRS letter was received informing the lawyer the federal gov't owes him money, 4 cents! Yep, less than a whole nickel. But, and this is your federal gov't in action, to receive his 4 cents, he'd have to request it. Why isn't it surprising that when he called the IRS 800 number, he was on hold a long time, so long he gave up.

Yep, let's let the federal gov't run our national health system....

Sun PM...

Just when I think I am opposed to capital punishment, a story reminds me to reconsider. A New Orleans father was ordered to pay child support. He vowed he'd kill his ex-wife or child before he did so. True to his word, he murdered his son, 2 1/2 years old I think. Far too many people who should be having kids are having them. That others (can you say "government welfare" and "taxes?) pay for them is bad enough. Then this murder. Where to start? Taking another person's life? Killing a child? For this reason?

And, I fully expect the world-wide Muslim community to protest the recent suicide bombing in Iraq that killed more than 35 people, injuring double that number. Not! After all, at a religious shrine, innocent people, not Americans, I would expect Muslims to be outraged at this. They do follow "the religion of peace," don't they? Or is it only peace for certain people? Is it the followers or the religion which is hypocritical?

Reminds me of the story last week of the Catholic Church, what five centuries later, decide that Galileo was right after all. So, what does that mean? His excommunication, burning in Hell for 500 years, is taken back? We were just kidding? I thought the Pope speaks for God when addressing matters of theology/religion. Because the Church was stupid, close-minded, bigoted, and whatever else, Galileo suffered in Hell--hey, it's the Church's belief, not mine. And what about all those before and even after him, those lesser knowns who were equally condemned (excommunicated) by the Catholics, even burning at the stake! they get reprieves from Hell, too? Or is it just the famous people, whose teachings exposed the Church leaders for the fools that they were? Interesting theological questions to ask your priest the next time you chat with him.

I wonder if the film Milk is any good? I have no intenetion of seeing it. I don't like movies. I don't like Sean Penn. The subject doesn't at all interest me. But I do wonder if it is any good. Well, the reviews have been raving about it. Ha--who would have the guts to say a movie about gays isn't good? It may or may not be good, but I wonder about the reviewers....

I see the schools are looking for ways to make education "more accessible" for students. That's code for "easier." More and more students will be able to take online classes. C'mon...use just a little common sense. First, not all learning is just the facts in a class. Other than a few of us, who really remembers what happened in 1066 or the quadratic equation or the chemical symbol for helium? The real key to most subjects is not necessarily the content, but the process, the discipline required to learn, if only for a little while. Educators no longer realize that. Education has to be "relevant" and discipline, process, etc. aren't "relevant." That's what happens when people who've never experienced quality, rigorous education are allowed to make decisions and policies. Second, if cheating is rampant (a recent study found more than 60% of all students admitted to cheating last year--and those are just those who admitted it!) where teachers are at least more visible, can see what's going on, what will happen when they can't? Third, there is something to be said for personal interaction between student and teacher, isn't there? Not everything worthwhile is on the test (of course, our test-happy legislators and educators don't realize that, either, do they?). Fourth, what good is an education if it is "easy?" For instance, runinng a marathon would be easier, available to more people, if we redefined it to, say, running for 26.2 yards instead of miles. So let's do the same dumbing down with education. Let's make it easier, to let more people graduate (standards be damned!). Who cares if the diplomas students receive aren't worth the paper they're written on? Fifth, if one of the goals of education is teaching discipline, hard work, rigor, failure followed by success, won't online courses contradict that? For example, some of my colleagues gripe about low attendance in their classes. Ask them if they use Blackboard and if they post their lecture notes on Blackboard. Oh, they do? Well, hello!!!! Why come to class when notes can be downloaded from the computer? Students don't even have to take notes any more--at least one time they become familiar with material. Of course students love the online courses. It's not hard to reason why. And Michigan is lauding itself for being a "leader" in this foolhardiness. Oops! I just realized I made a cardinal sin, assuming that educators and politicians actually "reason." But, as usual, nobody cares. Just when the coming generations need to learn toughness--what kind of economic times, world situations, etc. do you think we, our on self-centered, selfish selves, are leaving them? Weanies aren't going to be able to cut it.

That said, it's been a great day for me, although the boys didn't like my oatmeal???? They did gobble up the cinnamon rolls and thrown down the hot chocolate.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sat Musings

In no way do I take any pleasure in the loss of life in Gaza, but.... Today's newspaper had a number of letters-to-the-editor condemning the Israelis. OK, but the letter writers lost a lot of credibility by not condemning the Hamas rockets lobbed into Israeli civilian neighborhoods the past weeks/months. Without the Hamas attacks, there would have been no Israeli counters.

I continue to be amazed at the common perceptions of BO. Far too many people think, they really do, think he's the "messiah." I conversed with a guy this AM who claimed BO has done "a lot" as Ill legislator, US Senator, etc. I asked for one thing and this guy's response was, "Oh, your just repeating what the Republicans have been saying." Of course, that wasn't an answer to my question (and, in fact, he wouldn't accept the truthful answer to it, "not much!"), but he seemed to think his next statement cemented things, "Bush is an asshole." Well, he might or might not be. I think he's been a very, very rotten President for a variety of reasons, but, again, that isn't an answer to my question. It's like the public schools--those in charge cannot engage in dialogue that challenges what they are doing.

I see two more murders this week from "good kids," on a 19-year old, the other 16. The 16-year old "good kid" had priors--assault of a police officer in his school and carrying a concealed weapon. Yeah, real "good." I know this isn't my head talking, but my gut. I'm getting sick and tired (well, yes, of the hypocritical, incompetent politicians, but that's another story) of crime, all of it. I'm still burning over the creeps who stole our credit card numbers last Sept/Oct. I read of the child abusers and whatever else. And, I think, "What's wrong with the death penalty for these jerks?" I know the death penalty is a bit strong for credit/identity theft, but the slap on the wrist for the guy (if he ever does get caught) doesn't do it for me. And, no, they aren't "nice guys" who had "problems," blah, blah, blah.... Lots of people have "problems," but don't turn to crime, preying on other people. Maybe it's time to stop coddling these vultures and take away their televisions, give them bread and water, stop the college classes (for free, mind you!), etc.

I see the Moody Blues aren't in the rock and roll hall of fame. Some guy had a letter asking why they weren't. Obviously, it's politics and/or stupid people in charge. Some of the names/groups I've seen who have made it are jokes, laughable. It's another reason not to take these things too seriously, sort of like the Nobel Peace Prize. C'mon, can you say "Yassir, that's my baby, Arafat" and "Nobel Peace Prize" in the same sentence without laughing? Of course you can't. Now, try it with "Al Gore." See, you can't help but laugh. In the same vein, why isn't Ted Simmons in the baseball hall???? He has better stats than 2/3 or more of the catchers in Cooperstown. He stacks up favorably with Thurman Munson and, in fact, surpasses, Bench and Fisk in numbers. And he was a switch hitter who didn't have Rose, Morgan, Perez, Geronimo, Griffey, et al in his line-up. Again, yet another reason why I don't pay much attention to this stuff.

Hmmm. I still haven't heard much from Sens Stabenow or Levin lately, with the auto. And, where are the Portajohns? Why aren't they out front leading the charge, trying to get the 20-year old stereo-types corrected? This isn't support for bailouts, of the financials or the autos, just a comment about who is and who isn't working, at least publicly, for Michigan. And, if they are working, behind the scenes, isn't that counterproductive? The whole country needs to know the US auto makers of the past couple of years aren't the auto makers of 20-30 years ago.

One of my buddies had an interesting and insightful comment last week. What do we do about government? It's incompetent (George Will's headline last week sticks in my mind, "When did government become competent?" The answer is obvious; it didn't.)--hypocritical, enabling, stupid, dishonest, criminal (ask Mark Twain!), etc. Yet, who or what else is there to protect against the monster corporations (read the history of 100 years or so ago)? The corps can't be trusted, but neither can gov't. Hmmm. I extrapolated and extended this question to labor unions. They were needed and I appreciate what, historically, they've done. But it's hard, very hard, to defend the work rules, the jobs bank, and, in a sense, the money union members often earn. Yet, and I realize this from personal experience, they protect good workers from lousy bosses. I have few doubts, as does anyone who ever worked with me, that, without the union protections of the past (namely tenure) one or more of my principals would have canned me on the spot, regardless if I knew more history than the rest of the dept combined or am able to communicate very effectively or had standards that didn't call for As and Bs to students who could merely breathe. Their accolades went to the fools who served on committees, service which perpetuated and gave teacher sanction to the lousy policies and programs that have ruined the public schools. So, what do we do with unions????

Out to sample, yep, you guessed it, a LaBatts. I have to make sure what it tasted like yesterday is still there today!

Nice talking to you, Ron.