Sunday, January 18, 2009

Random Weekend Thoughts

Is every other number on every jazz radio station something by Sade? It sure seems like it.

BTW, has any other superstar of rock sounded as bad as Bruce Springsteen? I like some of his stuff (the instruments, beats, etc.), but his voice is just rotten. I guess there are lots of rotten voices. Then, can we still call it "music?" Maybe, but just not good music.

With about two dozen cars either crashed or off the x-way in a five-mile stretch, yesterday afternoon, with the two right lanes (one was closed down) creeping at 20-30 mph, with the roadway completely snow-covered and/or icy, why were there still drivers cruising at high rates of speed (70 or 80?) in the right lane? I guess I don't care if they are stupid enough to endanger their own lives, but what about those of their passengers (esp kids!) and other drivers (namely me!)?

It must be great to be a radio talk show host. One can pontificate, spewing for all kinds of ideas, good and bad. If a caller refutes something, with facts, with counterpoints, all the host has to do is hang up and continue to rant and rave. This happened on my way home from class Thur night. This Levin character, how he received the moniker "The Great One" is beyond me, but also Limbaugh, Hannity, et al do the same, just hangs up and calls names if challenged. The standard line is, "Get off my show, Dummy!" and then something like "typical lib." Isn't it great that a noble political wing, conservatism, has to rely on these characters, Coulter, etc.? No, it's not. Conservatism gets a much better slant from Sowell, Williams, Krauthammer, Will, etc.

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