Monday, February 9, 2009

Mon Musings

What's the deal with this $9.7 trillion figure now being tossed around? I can't even bring myself to say it! Arlen Specter from PA was trying to justify the spending (although saying the figure "wasn't accurate") on the radio this AM. The host was begging him to change his mind, to vote no. But, remember, it's not his money. They don't care. They especially don't care about our children and grandchildren because they don't vote.... And, why should they care if we don't care about our own kids and grandkids. It's not all about things, you know. We let this happen. We elected these fools, even though they prove again and again that they are fools. Get away from DWTS and Am Idol for a couple of minutes and watch C-Span--you can see for yourself. You don't have to take my word for it.

I'm not sure what Debbie Stabenow did last Thur or Fri, but she sure had the radio buzzing. Something about censorship, requiring "balance" on the airwaves. Two things, first, if I don't want to listen to Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. (and I most often don't), I can turn on another station with another host. I can listen to hippy rock music. I can flip in Smokey on the CD player. I can turn in all off and get lost in my thoughts. Second, what about the television networks and the newspapers and magazines? I know, I know, "the public airwaves." That's malarkey. The government doesn't own the airwaves--they are out there for all to use. If radio is to be censored, then what about fair play in the newspapers, television, etc.? Or, as usual, is it just "fair play" for some? So much for change, BO! What a fraud! This is America. We have the right of free speech. You can say what you want. But people don't have to listen. Obviously, Americans don't want to hear the other side--that's why the lib shows don't do well. Again, I most often don't listen to ranters and ravers (who, btw, often cannot engage in dialogue--often hanging up on reasonable counterpoints, calling them "There you go, again, another lib." That's why people shouldn't listen to these guys. They can't argue their points, the way, say Thomas Sowell can.) Government doesn't have the right to mandate who gets heard when.

I've forgotten what else I was going to write....out.

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