Monday, March 23, 2009

OK, Here's One for You....

Everyone has at least watched baseball on television, so everyone is an expert, able to tell even MLB managers, GMs, and coaches what to do. Try this one....

Little League team, in the field, leading 5-3 in bottom of the last inning. Opponents have runners on 1st and 3rd, with one out. LL team has best players pitching (not strikeout pitcher, but very likely to throw strikes), catching (can catch a pitch and make a throw), and at short (can catch). No doubt, since it's LL, the runner on first will break for 2B on the pitch. Now, coach, what do you do defensively? Do you let the runner take 2B or do you try to throw him out, with, likely, the runner on 3B scoring?

Well, coach...?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Here We Go!

Two things before I take advantage of this great day and hike with the kids at Proud Lake or head to the playground at Central Park with them:

First, "diversity" again. It has, I think and admit, a noble purpose. But the diversity folks don't think. Their mantra that "all people and all cultures deserve acceptance and respect" (words right out of one of their group's mission statements) is intellectually puerile. Consider the harm being done by the diversity movement's actions.

At Gitmo, it was insisted (by guess who?) that the detainees (can you say "terrorist murderers?") received Qurans. But the detainees (continue to think "terrorist murderers") claim the US soldiers are infidels and by touching their holiest of books would be commiting sacrilege. So, what do we do (obviously not to satisfy the detainees, but the diversity folks)? We have our soldiers wear gloves to dispense the Qurans. Harmless you say? Consider this question. What does this do, acceding to the demands of the, OK, let's just say it, "terrorist murderers?" What does the diversity folks' insistence that we "accept and respect" these wishes or demands? What it does is legitimize the bigotry, the hatred, the violent actions of the "terrorist murderers." It puts their philosophies/beliefs on the same level of legitimacy as ours. How very, very foolish.

Consider other things the diversity folks insist on in these instances: the "Tickle Me Muhammad" episode in Sudan; the Muhammad cartoons in the Netherlands; the Islamic film in Denmark--well, the list goes on. By agreeing that these are offensive to Islamists, the diversity folks fuel the idea that their murdering ways are culturally the equivalent of our ways of individual freedom. They allow a tyranny against liberty, all in the name of "diversity."

As I teach in my history classes, actions have consequences. Things don't just happen, "Poof, magic!" The diversity folks must have been absent on those days.

Second, before heading outside, I received an e-mail from Sen Stabenow, touting her speech on the Senate floor that lambasted the bonuses given to AIG execs and the double standards imposed on the finance and auto bailouts. Agreed. But the hyprocrisy is almost nauseating. First, the bonuses were part of legal contracts. The Supremes have for a couple centuries now (going back to 1810 and Fletcher v Peck) upheld the sanctity of legal contracts--read the Constitution. Also, while you have the Constitution handy, look up "bills of attainder" and "ex post facto laws;" you might easily conclude they are unconstitutional. Second, the "stimulus" package (others' words, not mine) included provisions for the bonuses to be paid. Didn't our illustrious federal lawmakers, including Sen Stabenow, not read the bill before passing it? It is beyond me how someone who passed this--and I will assume she read it before voting yes and who would admit to voting yes on something she wasn't aware of?--that is, validating bonuses, can now rant and rave about them. Third, why isn't Sen Stabenow on every talk show, every single one of them (I know the "conservative" shows would love to have her on this), criticizing her Congressional colleagues for their votes and their "double standards?" Now that would take a bit more political courage than making a speech on the floor of the Sen that only diehard C-Span viewers might see. Perhaps we could send her a copy of Kennedy's Profiles in Courage? Fourth, what is the rush on all of this? Fifth, Sen Stabenow ignores the Congressional guilt in much of this mess. There is no mention of CRA, of Fanny and Freddie, of the repeal of Glass-Steagall, of the incredible incompetence of her colleagues Dodd, Frank, Waters, etc. If the bonuses are to be taxed, why not the bonuses of Franklin Raines and the other political appointees who ruined Freddie and Fannie? Why not charges against them--what would happen to them had they run, say Enron, instead of Freddie and Fannie? Why not seek charges or at least censure against Frank, Waters, Dodd, and their ilk who assured us that Freddie and Fannie were on solid financial footing?

Yes, I wrote all this in a letter to Sen Stabenow, but we all know what's going to become of my ideas. And, we all know what most other people are going to do about the ruination of our economy and, perhaps, nation...nothing, just like they do despite their own kids' schools being ruined.

Out to "a park."

Monday, March 16, 2009

Mon Eve Thoughts

Great weekend headline on the op-ed page, News or Free Press, I don't remember which. "Greed trumps leadership." Yes, it has, in government and in business.

Can you believe the chutzpah of some people, namely in this case Barney Frank???? This blowhard, a large part of what's wrong with this country and the current economy, has the nerve to criticize, rightly so, a number of business/finance leaders. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!!! If he had headed, say, Enron, I wonder if he'd be in jail now instead of lecturing others, pontificating from on high???

And a recent study, last Nov, shows that 90% of all high school students admitted to cheating. Now, that's admitting it. 90% admitted it!!!! And almost 2/3 of college students admitted to cheating, too. Now, "cheating" includes using crib sheets on tests, plagiarizing, copying others' work, etc. The best part, for me, is the teacher/researcher who stated, "That so many students cheat doesn't make them intrinsically bad." Of course not. They'd have to rape, rob, or murder for that. That these students don't see cheating as wrong is very disturbing. That this guy also seems to condone it is more so. He claims "students are under pressure to achieve high grade-point averages." Well, that explains it. No sense trying to work harder, to actually study, nope, there's so much "pressure." Then he makes a reasonable comment. "Schools themselves are complicit...they reward high grades more than the procss of learning, while too often turning a blind eye to cheating." No kidding, on both counts. I could go further, but I've ranted on this a number of times. The schools are not good places. No wonder I refused, for years, to identify myself in public (unless necessary) as a teacher.

Out to read Drop Shot, a Myron Bolitar novel by Harlan Coben. Good author.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How Cool!

Finally, an op-ed piece that hits the nail on the head. (Well, actually, Sowell and a couple others always seem to hit it on the head..., but there aren't many who do.)

We reward mediocrity, incompetence, and even failure--in everything we do. Halls of fame, all-everything, blank-of-the-year awards, grades, you name it. It makes me want to vomit! Seriously, unless of course you think people who get these awards really deserve them--then, we cannot have a discussion because we are living in parallel, but different universes--how many of recent people you know who got these awards came close to deserving them? Obviously, I think not many, not many at all. It used to be one had to actually accomplish things to get accolades. No longer, not since the schools thought "self-esteem" is more important that reading, writing, and 'rithmetic. The cost is beyond laughable. Some people might actually deserve to be a blank-of-the-year, in some hall of fame, be all-everything...but, with a name plaque next to all of these bozos, who can tell? If the ones we know in there are bozos, what about the ones we don't know? What is it they say about "guilt" by association? (I have a couple stories to tell about that, but I won't. I have, in the past, told them--likely when I was loaded--and have had people look at me like I was looney tunes, which I am, but not for this reason. Let's leave it at I didn't want to be identified with other teachers.) I remember seeing a plaque in a school bldg with the names of the teachers-of-the-year by year. I roared, getting some weird looks, when I saw that all the teachers won the award and then it just started over again, with the same teachers getting the award a second time.... I heard of someone I know getting an honor quite a while ago and was astounded; my first thought was "why?" Nobody could explain it to me, other than I was stupid for questioning such a proper honor. That's what this entails, as Gus noted, don't question or ask, which risks being called names.

Look at what we do. We penalize or ignore people who actually accomplish things. This includes even the mundane, like working, paying bills, etc. What does gov't do to those who work harder or longer? Well, it punishes them by stealing their money. (And what is it when someone takes money without the permission of the owner of that money? Oh, c'mon Ron! OK, how many of you would voluntarily pay taxes, if you didn't have to? What if your boss came up to you and said, "Hey, there's a change. You can get all of your pay from now on or we can take withholding taxes out, like usual?" I know what you'd say and so do you. So, are taxes "stealing?") In encourages bad behavior and discourages good behavior. It rewards the worst of us by penalizing the best of us.

And who allowed theis Donna Brazile woman to be a columnist in the newspaper? The OP must have her as the token liberal--not that many of its conservative columnists are any better. How did she get her job? Doubt me? Read some of her gibberish. Among other things, see above for what is wrong with her. Oh, but I know what some will say about my criticism...because some things can't be criticized or even discussed. Sort of like "diversity" in the schools--go ahead, talk to the "diversity" gurus in the schools and see for yourself how shallow and ignorant they are by asking a few questions and getting, not dialogue or reasoned answers, but looks like you are a Neanderthal. That, my friends, is what passes for "dialogue" in our bastions of education today.

OK, out to get a soda!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Enemy

I listened to a guy, just Joe Blow, today who had an interesting take on things. I think his description of himself describes me. I am the new enemy. I got my college degree (and three graduate degrees, unless you don't count the fake one in education, which I didn't count except for pay purposes), the first one in my family, either side, all the way back, ever, to get a degree. I worked for 34+ years, often two, three, four, and five jobs at a time (Matt, back in the '90s, "Mom, why do you have one job and Dad has, like, five?"). I saved my money, made my car and house payments, even paying off my house early. I put a kid through college without any loans.

Yet, to the BO crowd, I am the "enemy." Really, think about it.... I am; so are those like me, those who did what they were supposed to do to succeed. Those who saved money, paid their bills, etc. Government rewards, not success, but failure and poor behavior. Who gets government money (dare I say "handouts?")? Government encourages the most despicable of behavior with welfare/child support payments, cushy prisons, etc. And who pays for all of this stuff? Those who have succeeded. Government punishes success. And if those who succeed complain or gripe, what is it? Name-calling ("mean-spirited")? Shunning or ignoring? It's just like the idiots who run the schools.

BTW, have there ever been politicians who declared bankruptcy, other than John Connolly? Why do they, even the term-limited ones, always find work? Oh, it's because they have skills in demand. Yeah, right--stupidity, up for sale to the highest bidder, etc.

And can you believe the idiotic Brits? They are giving Ted Kennedy a knighthood!!!! Of course, now it's going to be "Sir Ted." I wonder if Mary Jo Kopechne will be getting an invitation to the festivities???? How can those idiots in Congress honor this guy? I guess it's yet another testament to their stupidity.

Out to contemplate being "the enemy...."

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

At It Again!?!?

I see BO appointed another tax scofflaw. This guy, as Trade Commissionar/Czar (that seems to be the current "buzzword"), owes tens of thousands of back taxes over a number of years ago. That's OK. BO doesn't even cringe at this any more. He knows the people don't care; he doesn't care. We just let all this crap happen. Where is the outrage???? Imagine one of us proles vs the IRS if we were thousands in arrears???? Do you think we could say, "Oh, we're sorry" and get appointed to some cushy gov't job? Yep, I do, too. Right.

BTW, this reflects BO's entire philosophy, I think. Give away other people's money.... He and his ilk shouldn't have to do it. Do you think there's a reason why his tax cut-off is $250K??? Hint: how much do members of Congress and the Cabinet make? Yet we buy into this stuff. If all of these so-called angry people would quit calling into the radio talk shows and get their calls, e-mails, snail mails, etc. to DC instead, maybe they could make a difference. It did with the illegal immigration scam (which, by the way, is soon to reappear and who dare opposes amnesty?).

People talk about greed, the greed of the CEOs, the athletes, etc. Yep, it is/was there, no doubt. But they never talk about the greed of the do-nothings who take government handouts, that is, get something for nothing. Is it really true that 40% of the nation doesn't pay taxes???? Isn't freeloading being greedy? It sure is. Oh, I'm so "mean-spirited."

I guess it's like my views on the schools, that "It's for the kids" is pure garbage. I think any district that pays (overpays!) its superintendent more than $150K shouldn't get state aid. I think that any district that pays (overpays!) administrators more than $100K shouldn't get state aid. Should I mention teachers, at least the rotten ones? I think our prisons should be stark, no televisions, no workout rooms, no movies, food barely above bread and water. If anyone(s) protest(s), let them go hungry. If they refuse to do the work I would demand, no meals. Hey, I didn't ask them to rape, rob, assault, steal, murder, etc. There I do, being "mean-spirited" again.

It's our own fault, electing people like this. It's our own fault, falling asleep while the Reids, Pelosis, Levins, Kennedys, Stabenows, Kerrys, etc. turn what was once great into what isn't so great (or soon won't be--but I fervently hope I'm wrong). I was going to pick on Detroit voters for Monica Conyers, Kwame, etc., but I can't. Look what Michigan voters did with Granholm, Stabenow, Levin, et al and what voters across the US did with BO (yes, and Bush 43), Hillary, etc.

Monday, March 2, 2009

New Ideas

I know the ding-a-lings always complained I was so "negative," always "bitching," with no ideas. Of course, anyone who really knows me or even bothered to listen knew I have lots of ideas. But, my ideas are not ones the ding-a-lings wanted to hear. Let's try this one.

How about, since fewer and fewer of our students can read, write, do math, and whatever the schools are doing now obviously don't work (unless you ask the ding-a-lings, who will insist things are just fine--after all, try to name a school that isn't a "Blue Ribbon School," a "National Exemplary School," etc.), we just teach reading, writing, 'rithmetic in the first two or three grades (and NOT in kindergarten!)? Drop science, social studies (yes, even HISTORY!), etc. from the curriculum--just reading, writing, 'rithmetic. Of course, some of the reading can be, say, a bit about history or science or whatever. But they would not be in the curriculum or even tested as individual curriculum disciplines/items. I know, I know, "How Neanderthal?" OK, go ahead and tell me what some 6-year old is learning about history or biology he can't learn as an 8- or 9-year old. I suppose when they get to Einstein's special theory of relativity in the fourth grade, students must have some background in science. No, nobody will take this seriously, nobody at all in the schools.

After all, according them (the "diversity people"), "all people and all cultures are deserving of respect and acceptance." And, of course, they have other inanities like that, too. Go ahead, challenge them on this crap, see what you get for a response. Despite their fake degrees, most of them consider themselves to be "the anointed," who know better than anyone else. Anyone who challenges their ridiculous programs and policies is immediate dismissed, called names (yes, like "negative," "bitcher," etc.), and/or ostracized or ignored.

Ah, "Your public schools, no better place to get only one side of a story." Fools. And those of you who are teachers, shame on you for going along with all the crap--unless, of course, you really believe in it. Then, I guess, I have nothing to say to you.