Monday, March 16, 2009

Mon Eve Thoughts

Great weekend headline on the op-ed page, News or Free Press, I don't remember which. "Greed trumps leadership." Yes, it has, in government and in business.

Can you believe the chutzpah of some people, namely in this case Barney Frank???? This blowhard, a large part of what's wrong with this country and the current economy, has the nerve to criticize, rightly so, a number of business/finance leaders. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!!! If he had headed, say, Enron, I wonder if he'd be in jail now instead of lecturing others, pontificating from on high???

And a recent study, last Nov, shows that 90% of all high school students admitted to cheating. Now, that's admitting it. 90% admitted it!!!! And almost 2/3 of college students admitted to cheating, too. Now, "cheating" includes using crib sheets on tests, plagiarizing, copying others' work, etc. The best part, for me, is the teacher/researcher who stated, "That so many students cheat doesn't make them intrinsically bad." Of course not. They'd have to rape, rob, or murder for that. That these students don't see cheating as wrong is very disturbing. That this guy also seems to condone it is more so. He claims "students are under pressure to achieve high grade-point averages." Well, that explains it. No sense trying to work harder, to actually study, nope, there's so much "pressure." Then he makes a reasonable comment. "Schools themselves are complicit...they reward high grades more than the procss of learning, while too often turning a blind eye to cheating." No kidding, on both counts. I could go further, but I've ranted on this a number of times. The schools are not good places. No wonder I refused, for years, to identify myself in public (unless necessary) as a teacher.

Out to read Drop Shot, a Myron Bolitar novel by Harlan Coben. Good author.

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