Saturday, August 1, 2009

There They Go Again

Well, the "anointed" are at it again. E.J. Dionne wrote this AM, "There is nothing wrong with asking the wealthy to pay for covering the uninsured...."

Well, yes there is something "wrong" with it. First, by having Congress tax the "very wealthy," nobody is "asking" anyone for anything. The money is being taken from the wealthy, presumably whether they like it or not.

Second, it's easy to spend other people's money. Here's a different approach--how about if we "ask" Dionne and others with views like him "to pay for covering the uninsured?" Surely, with such lofty humanitarianism he wouldn't be at all opposed to that, would he?

Third, he's making the same disingenuous (dishonest?) case about health care in the US. Sooner or later the media must finally admit the real numbers involved in the health care issue, the numbers the independent Pacific Research Institute has uncovered. (Is it any surprise that the numbers have been inflated three-, four-, and even five-fold? Is it any surprise that the mainstream media merely accepts these numbers as the Gospel, rather than challenging their veracity?)

Higher taxes, health care, global warming--is there any end to the hypocrisy of some people or the negligence of the media in failing to expose it?

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