Friday, January 1, 2010

Liberal Education

It seems the liberals have taken over "liberal arts education." I hope not, because their concepts of education are anything but what a real liberal arts education is about. There is a good essay about this here: Read it.

Pres Arnn makes a number of valid points, although I might take issue with a couple others. His views of the early American documents, the backbone of American civilization, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, are thoughtful and insightful. They reflect on the lack of understanding of history and these documents by our current leaders, taught by this new school of thought in our current schools.

Instead of individuals making their own lives better, what they want of them, instead of gov't being limited, being forced to stay out of our ways to better lives, the new leaders think that gov't is the "messiah," here to make things better for everyone. This falls into line with what one of our Michigan Congressional delegation (a Dem) said on the radio, back in Dec: that if the Congress (that is, the "anointed") think something is good and approve of it, the Constitution can be violated. That was confirmed by another of Mich's delegation (a Rep), who confirmed that members of Congress think they are smarter than we are, that they have a monopoly on what is best.

Read what Arnn takes out of BO's book, Audacity of Hope: Obama's conviction that the Constitution rejects the concept of absolute truth. It's all right there, both in Arnn's essay and i BO's book. I don't make up this stuff. But consider that, the rejection of absolute truth. Does anyone see any danger in that? So, there are no absolute truths, meaning murder, rape, child molestation, and just about anything could be perfectly acceptable actions. After all, who's to say what is right and wrong if there are no absolute truths? Of course that is hooey, but it's dangerous hooey. Consider the bribes (none dare call it prostitution?) that were needed to pass ObamaCare in the Senate. With no absolute truths, what's wrong with bribes (prostitution)? Consider the intimidation of companies and individuals who opposed or might oppose the BO agenda. Consider the health care bill(s), none of which doesn't have provisions requiring US citizens to purchase health insurance or pay a fine of up to 1/5 of their annual incomes, requiring those insurance plans to have gov't-accepted provisions, allocating health resources and monies as determined by the gov't, and prohibiting buying or selling any plan that doesn't meet gov't regulations. See, the anointed know better than we do what's good for us. And, if we don't accept that, as Arnn points out, the anointed are prepared to "bully" us. (Wait! I thought "anti-bullying" was in, esp in the schools?)

This is tyranny. Note the use of the term "czar." Because history isn't important enough to teach in the schools, likely most people don't know what a "czar" was--that a czar could do whatever he wanted, such as tax chimneys, boots, and even a dead person for dying and forcing men to be clean shaven and to speak a certain language. Yes, I found this term reprehensible when it was used by the Nixon and Reagan administrations, as in "Drug Czar."

Again, without absolute truths, what is there to determine right and wrong? "Diversity" is to blame for this. "All people and all cultures and their ideas are worthy of respect and acceptance." Baloney/Bologna!!!!! And people fell for it. They were too busy playing with their toys. (See a blog from a couple days ago.)

See what happened when far too many teachers allowed all this crap to happen. They are culpable, those who said, out of apathy, cowardice, I don't know, "I'm just going to close my classroom door and...." They did a great disservice to education, to our country.

"I was too busy enjoying my freedom to do anything to protect it."

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