Friday, February 5, 2010

Tired Day...Again

It's "Tired Day," again. And it's complicated by my first real cold in about 5 years. Hmmm...5 years, you say? I wonder if "5 years" has any meaning? BTW, NyQuil, Zicam, etc. haven't done diddly for me.

I've also been away for a while, about two weeks. Lots has happened and I have lots to say. But I don't know if I have time to do it all today on "Tired Day," what with grocery lists to compile, laundairy to do (the principals who used K's white tablecloths must be slobs!), dishes to clean, two reviews to type up and send, not to mention take care of the Codester, also battling a cold.

Sports! Several things have caught my attention. First, this Verlander gets $80 from the Tigers. OK, OK, it's over 6 years, but consider: that's like giving someone $80,000 a year for 1,000 years or $40,000 for 2,000 years. One might argue V is "worth it." Fine, I don't begrudge him his money. If someone is stupid, er, willing to give it to him in the name of winning at MLB, I don't care. What concerns me is the loss of moral compass here. C' a guy playing a game this kind of money???? I noted also in the paper this AM a list of the top-paid Tigers of all time. In the list, there were several names I never heard of!!! And they were paid five or more million dollars a year. I think we have fallen off our rockers.

Second, someone said an NFL strike is inevitable for 2011. Am I the only one who thinks, "So what?" Why are they even thinking about a strike? How much money does one need? And all we hear is about big business, the Reps, etc., being "greedy?" What about these athletes (and, to toss in a few others, Hollywood-types, hippy-rock stars, etc.)? I know the arguments. We have to think about our families. Our playing/top earning span is such a short time. Right.... Have these guys ever heard of getting a real job after their playing days???? Apparently not. Yet, an NFL strike would be of far more significance to most Americans than, say, an out-of-control Congress.

Third, I guess U of M football signed some guy who ran into trouble with the law. It wasn't a DUI or a fight or even grass. Apparently the guy had a gun or was with guys who had guns for an armed robbery. Hmmm. So, the guy is a stud football player. I guess I believe in second chances, but.... Way to go U of M football. Once again, show us why you are better than everyone else by doing things the "Michigan way." BTW, some guy on a radio sports talks show was running down Michigan for the signing. Obviously, I agree. But then, when questioned about other programs, notably Florida, and their signings of "thugs," the guy said, "But they win." Ah, that explains it. Thanks for clearing up what a hypocrite and idiot you are.

Out to watch the Big Ten Network...not!!!!

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