Saturday, July 31, 2010

Oh, C'mon

So, Southwest Airlines removed a ticket-paying woman from a recent flight. She was 120 lbs and was taken off the flight so "an obese 14-year old" could have two seats, although he only paid for one seat!!!! I'm serious.

And, a teacher or social worker no doubt, supported the Southwest action, saying the fat guy shouldn't "be traumatized" by being forced off the plane. Right....

On our recent flight to Las Vegas, an obese guy in front of us spilled over, well over, into the two seats next to him. We noted how inconvenient and uncomfortable it was for the two people who paid for tickets only to be squashed/squished for four and a half hours. Ridiculous.

Several flights ago, two fat sisters had aisle seats across from each other. Bopper, I think 7 years old, was carrying on his backpack and bumped into the two obese ladies. Karen mumbled something to me that that grumbled about Bopper bumping in to them. I, loudly enough for them to hear, said, "Well, if they weren't so fat...." I know it was rude of me to say that, but what about them inconveniencing everyone else, not just Bopp, who was trying to get by to their own seats?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Just Some Thoughts

Taking a bit of a break from mowing the lawn, front and back; working with the mower; getting the grill set for our dinner/guests this eve; etc. It's been a good, good day and will get even better when the kids get here in about 15 mins! I hope the Codester is with Ash and Bopp!

I don't quite get it. How can Harry Reid be ahead by 2% in Nev???? I don't care how much money he has to spend compared to the finances of his opponent. Who, other than those with their hands out wanting freebies, could possibly vote for him? Of course, the polls might be rigged and would anyone doubt that? I loved that sign in LV, "Dump Reid, Nevada's National Embarrassment." Let's hope Nevadans are fooling the pollsters right now.

And can you believe that they're making deals with Charlie Rangel? Take a wild guess at what would happen to us if our taxes looked like his!!!! What was it Vince Flynn wrote in Separation of Powers, "Those who make the laws don't always think they have to obey the laws." And where is Queen Nancy (Pelosi) who was going to clean up the mess, run the most honest Congress ever? I guess she was playing by the "spozda rule." I understand how she get re-elected--San Francisco.

I am surprised, but not surprised, at the number of career politicians the newspapers, all three, have endorsed in the primary. Of course, the newspapers look down on the Tea Partiers and the common folks. Newspaper people, like politicians, academics, and other media members, are the "anointed," the self-anointed. They are smarter than we are, know what's good for us better than we do, etc. There are a couple of things wrong with that. One, that's not what a democracy is all about. Two, they aren't smarter than we are.

I was talking with a teacher who recently retired. He blathered the same old crap that gets education in hot water so frequently. He talked about how good teachers are, all teachers. When I interjected that teaching can be two things, a noble profession for people who have a passion or a cakewalk for lazy, stupid people, boy, the look I got from him! Teachers and their unions shoot themselves in the foot by trying to claim all teachers are good--or better. I went on a bit of a rampage in an e-mail yesterday, pointing out more than half a dozen teachers who had my sons in class, teachers who should be nowhere near a classroom. And, some of them have won awards and been rewarded with administrative jobs! How pathetic. In fact, I saw where one teacher just received an award and it stunned me. I always thought the guy was very dense, at best. But, as long as a teacher keeps her mouth shut, awards are just a step away, no matter how mediocre or lousy a teacher is. BTW, I could have listed quite a few other teachers who had no business in education.

A pet peeve of mine is when people don't finish food. They order things or fix their plates, but don't eat it all. Don't take so much food; don't order so much or anything. How often do I find open cans and bottles of drinks in the house? Grrrrrr..... I guess it's like everything else, esp DC--if someone else is paying for it....

I think I'm getting a bit tired. I'm 61, but does that mean anything? I've been upwards of 50 miles a week running, 60 or more biking (probably close to 75 this week), cranking up my lifting (not lbs, but reps and sets), and walking a bit. Toss in chasing after the kids, doing yard work, etc. But, it's all good--I enjoy it.

Out to finish with the mower and then read a bit before our guests arrive. Remember to vote next week and throw the bums out!!!!!!

Legal System

Here's one thing wrong with our legal system:

A convict in Fla is suing, for half a million bucks, the guy whose van he had burglarized. The scumbag, also caught with cocaine, stole a bike from the van and the owner apprehended him with the help of a couple buddies. Apparently the three roughed up the burglar, putting a knee in his back so it really hurt! The scumbag is suing for pain and distress. Let's see, if he hadn't broken into the van in the first place, none of this would have happened. Upon conviction, under my government, the guy would be breaking rocks in the hot sun, picking up papers along the highway with his hands, etc. Then he'd have to wear a sign, "I am a convicted burglar" upon release. I know, I know...he's basically a nice guy or he had a rough childhood or some other garbage. Baloney/Bologna! Make it so he never wants to steal again.

And, yet, our legal system, instead of punishing the guy as above, lets him waste others' time and money (including taxpayers') in the form of a lawsuit. What gov't official accepted this? Why wasn't the guy thrown out on his ear?

And the law-abiding folks, once again, get the ficky-doo.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


There are many types of addictions. Some, the most commonly known, are those involving drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. I suppose there can be exercise addictions, when people get up at 3 AM to run or bike, have rotten dispositions if they don't exercise, etc.

I read an interesting view today. The spending coming out of Washington (and many state capitals) is an addiction. Congress, the President, state legislatures and governors, have become addicted to spending--and spending other people's money! In turn, many others who receive other people's money, for doing nothing, have become addicted to these gov't handouts.

What's the cure? Is it to let the drunk loose in a bar, without having to pay for drinks? Is it to let the drunk loose in a bar, giving him a tab that will be paid by someone else?

What are the odds that Congress will cut spending, esp if the Reps don't win a sizable majority in both houses this fall...if the Reps who are elected act like the Reps of the Bush years? The plan, apparently, is now to make some superficial cuts and then raise taxes. Surely, to win voters' support, the Dems will go along with that--very superficial cuts. What about the Reps? Are they also addicted to spending other people's money? They have been.

I keep thinking about that Dem boob from NY who said, "Americans who live in this country [of course, that's why they're 'Americans'] should be more than willing to pay for the privilege of living in the greatest country...." First, it's not a "privilege" for US citizens to live here. Second, we don't have to pay dues to live here. Third, it's not spending per se, but it's the amount and the silly and wasteful programs. And....

I know I talked with a number of administrators in the local school district over the years about the bloated budget. Of course, their first comment was an almost condescending, "Where would you cut?" I would cite my 25 or 30 or more years in the district and ask for a copy of the budget and I'd make cuts all over the place. Ha Ha--the first might well be with administrators. I'd either cut the number of them or slash their pay! The same would go for state and federal budgets.

Yes, as the columnist wrote, "Washinton can't cure itself of [its] spending addiction." But, as usual, far too many of us just sit here in silence.


"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just Asking

OK, so some government agency is looking into McDonald's toys because someone alleged a 4-year old killed himself playing with it. I'm skeptical, but what a tragedy. I wonder how many millions of kids received the McD's toys. death, however tragic.

So, where is the haste to ban cell phone use, texting, etc. while driving? Granted, some states and local communities have wisely acted, but the record appears very clear. Drivers on cell phones are 5 times more likely to get into a fatal accident and those texting while driving are 23 times more likely to cause a fatal crash. But, no, government is more interested in toys at McD's and even the food it serves.

Just the other day, I was almost picked off by a cell phone-using driver. I was running about a half mile from home when I noticed a driver with "a big head," which usually means someone is talking on a cell phone. She was and was drifting farther and farther to the right, toward me. I was lucky enough to anticipate what was going to happen and darted for the nearby lawn. I was a good ten feet on the grass when the car passed me, fully three feet over the white line into the bike lane. The driver had no idea I was there. Yet, let's make sure gov't bans those toys at McD's.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Great Quotation!

I know, I know--It's just fiction, a novel. The author's a wacko. And on and on....

But Vince Flynn, for all of his action, violence, thrills, etc., often has some quotations that are right on the money. Try this one on for size: "Is there no level of incompetence that won't be tolerated?" How about this one: "Doesn't anyone in this administration pay taxes?"

Thanks to my buddy Bitt for steering me toward Flynn--and his protagonist Mitch Rapp, although the one I'm reading now has a different hero, with many of the same other characters, from their early days. It's interesting how Flynn has very little good to say about politicians and government appointees and bureaucrats. Are they as self-centered and stupid as he portrays them? He knows them, "up close and personal," better than I do. I was surprised, happily so, to hear my doctor say he reads Flynn, too.

Harlan Coben, esp in the Myron Bolitar series, often has very good quotations and insights in his fiction.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Mid-July Musings

Hot and humid here, very hot and very humid. In fact, K and I agree that it has been more unpleasant, comfort-wise, than at 109 in Las Vegas a couple weeks ago. In fact, I think it's much more unpleasant.

What kind of credibility can Pres Obama have when he comes to Michigan and touts Gov Granholm as "one of the best governors" in the country? C'mon...even state Dems don't believe that. O could have come, done his thing, been pleasant and complimentary, but spare the obviously untrue political malarkey.

One thing that has struck me isn't that 60% of Americans don't approve of what BO has been doing. It's that almost 40% still do! Of course, 40% of the people don't pay taxes at all and another 15% get some sort of gov't freebies, so....

I believe all citizens have the right to vote and should have the right to vote, but it pains me more and more to say it. I wonder--and I'm just wondering, not advocating it--why people who pay no taxes should have the right to vote. After all, what stake is there for them other than voting for people who will continue to make it so they don't pay taxes? That is, voting for people who will continue to make others, not them, pay taxes?

I still don't get the libs' talking points on the Tea Parties. They must be talking points as I've heard the exact same words from different people at different times at different places--the exact same words. "Talking points?" They say, [The Tea Partiers] "have no ideas. They are racists...." Blah, blah, blah. Well, that's a bunch of hooey, malarkey--or worse. Either these libs are blinded by their ideology (And, if they are, why don't they give up their vacations, SUVs, and well above average homes and give their money to whom they think are being treated unfairly? Seems a bit hypocritical to me--OK, more than a bit. Do you think they would even listen to this?), are very stupid, or just aren't paying attention. As I told one a couple weeks ago, "No, [the Tea Partiers] do have ideas. They just aren't the same as yours. That their ideas are different doesn't mean they don't have ideas." Isn't thinking that government has become too big, too intrusive in our lives, an idea? Isn't thinking that gov't should not spend so much money, borrow so much money, an idea? And so on.... I guess if one has a closed mind, even if one is college-educated.... Hey, wait a minute! Aren't most college campuses among the most close-minded places in the country???? Oh, they "prove" how tolerant they are by letting Louis Farrakhan and even anti-Semitic, hate-spewing Islamists talk. But people like William Kristol and Sarah Palin get hooted down, boycotts and sit-ins preventing their presentations. And these are the people being turned out to teach our kids--teach them that only certain people, those whose ideas are in tune with "the anointed" have the right of free speech. Freedom of speech isn't according to ideas that aren't liked by "the anointed."

I've blogged on this before, but it bears repeating. We give far too many accolades, prizes, awards, memorials, etc. to people who really don't deserve them. I suppose in a way I reflected this about a month ago, when in a bit of a contentious discussion with a teacher, I blurted out, "Stupid people can't be good teachers." Of course, that ended the discussion--and I don't know if that's good or bad. But I meant it and still mean it. By giving awards, medals, etc. to people who don't deserve them, we demean those who really do. After all, if everyone could run a marathon (or a marathon in three hours), what would be the distinction? Where is the reward for hard work, for dedication, not for merely being "concerned," "nice," etc.? Of course, who will stand up and say, "Hey, why is this teacher getting this award? He certainly doesn't deserve it." And, more specifically, if it was me who stood up and said it, we all know what the response would be, don't we? I'd like to thank my fellow teachers for all those 33 years for allowing that to happen.

They, or some of them, did what I heard again last week. "I'll close my classroom door and just teach." The implication is, of course, that teachers will avoid the politics, the stupid programs and policies of administrators, etc. and teach behind the protective doors of their classrooms. well, I suppose that's fine and good, but.... It's silence or passive acquiescence that has allowed the stupid programs and policies, that has allowed inept administrators to institute these things (curricula, giving in on the insane drive toward testing testing testing, no dodge ball or "best friends," etc.), hire equally inept teachers, show no courage or integrity, ignore or merely not even recognize the need for rigor in high quality education, etc. Shame, shame on those who "closed their doors" and allowed this to happen. Again, Pastor Niemoeller: "First they [the Nazis] came for the Jews and I wasn't a Jew, so I said nothing. Then they came for the communists and I wasn't a communist, so I said nothing.... Then, they came for me and there was nobody left to say anything." Ah, history isn't important.

I wonder where they get the nerve, the fortitude to do this. It must be that it works with other professors/instructors or that it worked in high school. I guess.... I had a student who asked if I could raise his/her grade to a C from a D. Now, I labored over whether to give a D or an F (for some unknown reason there isn't a D-)! I could very well have rationalized an F, but a D was given. This student wanted a C so her/his student financial aid wouldn't be jeopardized!!!! This student missed more than a third of the classes, completed about half of the essays, and failed the mid-term and final exams, but did marginally, only marginally, better on the quizzes. Any effort, as admitted by this student (but she/he had reasons, not excuses, but reasons, was lacking. So, he/she wanted you and me to continue to pay for his/her classes even though he/she wasn't trying at all? You got it--and you're paying for them. Another student needed an A to get admitted to the college of her/his choice. She/He earned a solid B, a good grade, but certainly not an A. Could I raise his/her grade to an A ("The other instructors did" or so it was claimed and I have no reason to believe otherwise.) so he/she could go to the college of his/her choice? That she/he didn't deserve to go there, when others do and did, apparently isn't part of the deal. I can't imagine going to one of my profs at AC and asking the same. "Gee, could you all give me As so I can go to Harvard Law?" See the paragraph above for a primer.

Out to read about the Wit and Wisdom of A. Lincoln....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Just Some Musings...

OK, what's this about some soccer tournament, The World Cup? All right, I know about it. In fact, there were a lot of folks wearing colored national soccer jerseys when we were in Las Vegas. It seemed, though, that all of them spoke English with accents. C'mon, the US squeaks by that powerhouse of everything Algeria and then loses to Ghana. I know some of these athletes are very talented. But did one ever think what the US could do with someone like Kobe Bryant in goal? Matt suggested this. Let's see, the guy is about 6'9", quick and agile as a waterbug, etc. Who could score on him? Take other NBA and NFL athletes and start them in soccer and guess what? Yep, my guess is "It's Miller Time" with The World Cup. But, in the end, I don't care either way. So what if "the rest of the world...."

BTW, why are we so concerned about what "the rest of the world" thinks, does, etc.? That is, why are we, well, at least some of our leaders, so-called of course, and intellectuals, again so-called of course, saying, "But what about what 'the rest of the world' thinks...?" Maybe we should be concerned with their thoughts about us, esp. "those" who treat their women the ways they do, who strap bombs to their own kids and grandkids to blow up others' kids and grandkids, who allow a handful of ruling family members to hoard their nations' wealth, etc. The list goes on and on and....

Does anyone really care who that LaBron Harris guy plays for? Well, I for one do not, not in the least. And how much money is he getting? I wonder if I will read or hear the word "greedy" in all of this. Why is it that I think not?

The guy who murdered that 2-year old and then buried him under 400 lbs of concrete.... I have a few suggestions on what to do with him. None of them are pleasant and none of them are quick. You can save those excuses, "Oh, but he had a bad childhood" or whatever else, for someone who cares....

BTW, why are those who decry any nasty punishment for murderous monsters like this guy the same folks who are abnormally silent about the treatment of women, criminals, etc. in their favorite "the rest of the world" countries? I wonder if they can spell "hypocrites."

Why is the ACLU so forceful in defending the rights of people to use swear words, yet, like the above, so very silent about the federal government's usurpation of our individual rights? For instance, where is the ACLU (certainly not in court!) when ObamaCare requires us to purchase health insurance, and of a particular kind?

Oh, I have more, but no time right now. I'll be back later tonight or tomorrow, again, if I have time.