Friday, July 30, 2010

Just Some Thoughts

Taking a bit of a break from mowing the lawn, front and back; working with the mower; getting the grill set for our dinner/guests this eve; etc. It's been a good, good day and will get even better when the kids get here in about 15 mins! I hope the Codester is with Ash and Bopp!

I don't quite get it. How can Harry Reid be ahead by 2% in Nev???? I don't care how much money he has to spend compared to the finances of his opponent. Who, other than those with their hands out wanting freebies, could possibly vote for him? Of course, the polls might be rigged and would anyone doubt that? I loved that sign in LV, "Dump Reid, Nevada's National Embarrassment." Let's hope Nevadans are fooling the pollsters right now.

And can you believe that they're making deals with Charlie Rangel? Take a wild guess at what would happen to us if our taxes looked like his!!!! What was it Vince Flynn wrote in Separation of Powers, "Those who make the laws don't always think they have to obey the laws." And where is Queen Nancy (Pelosi) who was going to clean up the mess, run the most honest Congress ever? I guess she was playing by the "spozda rule." I understand how she get re-elected--San Francisco.

I am surprised, but not surprised, at the number of career politicians the newspapers, all three, have endorsed in the primary. Of course, the newspapers look down on the Tea Partiers and the common folks. Newspaper people, like politicians, academics, and other media members, are the "anointed," the self-anointed. They are smarter than we are, know what's good for us better than we do, etc. There are a couple of things wrong with that. One, that's not what a democracy is all about. Two, they aren't smarter than we are.

I was talking with a teacher who recently retired. He blathered the same old crap that gets education in hot water so frequently. He talked about how good teachers are, all teachers. When I interjected that teaching can be two things, a noble profession for people who have a passion or a cakewalk for lazy, stupid people, boy, the look I got from him! Teachers and their unions shoot themselves in the foot by trying to claim all teachers are good--or better. I went on a bit of a rampage in an e-mail yesterday, pointing out more than half a dozen teachers who had my sons in class, teachers who should be nowhere near a classroom. And, some of them have won awards and been rewarded with administrative jobs! How pathetic. In fact, I saw where one teacher just received an award and it stunned me. I always thought the guy was very dense, at best. But, as long as a teacher keeps her mouth shut, awards are just a step away, no matter how mediocre or lousy a teacher is. BTW, I could have listed quite a few other teachers who had no business in education.

A pet peeve of mine is when people don't finish food. They order things or fix their plates, but don't eat it all. Don't take so much food; don't order so much or anything. How often do I find open cans and bottles of drinks in the house? Grrrrrr..... I guess it's like everything else, esp DC--if someone else is paying for it....

I think I'm getting a bit tired. I'm 61, but does that mean anything? I've been upwards of 50 miles a week running, 60 or more biking (probably close to 75 this week), cranking up my lifting (not lbs, but reps and sets), and walking a bit. Toss in chasing after the kids, doing yard work, etc. But, it's all good--I enjoy it.

Out to finish with the mower and then read a bit before our guests arrive. Remember to vote next week and throw the bums out!!!!!!

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