Friday, March 4, 2011

The World Turned Upside Down

Here we go again (or still?):

I see a federal judge has OK'd ObamaCare. The logic (if I can even call it that) is befuddling, convoluted, and, if unchecked, opens the door for any gov't control of our lives (see farther down). She said, in response to other judges' rulings that the gov't in ObamaCare can't mandate inaction (it can, presumably, control actions), that it can't make us do things, such as purchase health insurance, that "inaction" is "just semantics." That, in deciding not to do something, we are engaged in "mental activity." A conscious choice to do or not do something is "mental activity." And, gov't can control activity. So what if we decide not to buy a house, but the gov't wants us to buy one? What if we decide we don't want to buy this or that, but the gov't wants us to buy one? Can't, then, using this loon's reasoning (again, if I can call it "reasoning"), gov't dictate all of our activities (or inactivities)? "C'mon, that's a stretch...even for you." Is it?

Didn't the gov't mandate that you have a digital television set? Yep, it even gave people $40 of your money (those Wal-Mart coupons!) to do so. Think you have a choice in what kind of light bulbs you can buy after 2012? Think again. You'll have to get thos CFCs (or whatever they're called) ones--because the gov't said you must. It doesn't matter that many people find the light these bulbs emit less than ideal, certainly worse than incandescent bulbs. It doesn't matter that they cost 10 or 12 times more ("But they last longer!"). It doesn't matter that, if they break, there's toxic mercury all over the place and what HazMat team will clean up that mess? And, if the courts or Congress don't stop this unconstitutional usurpation of our liberties, you'll be forced to purchase health insurance, regardless if you want it. (That's the "Hope and Change" so many fools voted for!) How long before the gov't tells you what kind of car to buy? It's already giving thousands of your dollars for people to buy the electric cars. And, if they're so good, what to they comprise such a miniscule percentage of sales? For that matter, why do fewer than 5% of us buy the hybrids (are many of our eco-freaks really hypocrites?)? And what about the more and more reports about the electric cars coming out telling us what junk the technology is? Hey, the gov't has its own directives to depts not to buy the electric cars because, well, they're no good.

Yeah, "C'mon, Ron...." Just like we've already done with the schools, we're letting the loons run the gov't and see what they are planning for us.

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