Friday, April 8, 2011

Random Thoughts

I would love to have dinner with the recently resigned NYC public schools super. She was there only three months. Why did she leave so soon? She has no background in education and I wonder if, perhaps similar to Dennis Archer and Dave Bing as mayors of Detroit, she didn't have any idea what she was getting herself into. What might be frightening is that the incompetence and education-types might so firmly entrenched that the cause is lost (similar to Detroit being lost). Of course, she'd have to pay. I continue to be amazed at the people who get radio shows. How? How do they get their own shows on television? I was listening to a sports show the other day and the guy was an idiot. (Not all of them are; some, on occasion, I enjoy listening to.) I heard a political show and the guy and gal hosting it were blatant fools. They were blathering, mostly incomprehensibly, and showing how very ignorant they are. Now, it wasn't just these two of a particular political persuasion. I think some of the "superstars" of radio are extremely overrated, buffoons even, and certainly shouldn't be the beacons of political following. On the radio, I still like Bill Bennett a lot. It's too bad the station that carries him is so weak out here. Locally, Frank Beckmann makes a lot of sense. Those are two of my favorites. This week, in the car when they weren't on the air, I didn't bother turning on the radio. Greed? Ah, how greedy Big Oil is--or so I hear. But teachers and retired teachers aren't greedy for not wanting to contribute to their insurance premiums (to the tune of private sector workers) and pay income tax on their pensions. I'd like to have someone explain that to me. A few have tried, but, in the end, they come out as, well, greedy, wanting as much money (or benefits) as they can get. How is that, other than amounts, different? How about that President of ours? With gas approaching $4 a gallon, his pep talk to the American people was, "Sell your car and get another one." Yep, how about another White Houses party? Or, how about another vacation? The government is facing a shutdown and the man goes on vacation in NC! Now, I know the President never is on vacation, but it's the symbolism of it. We're facing some troubles, yet he's off having a good time. The man is an incredible hypocrite and quite the charlatan, who, I believe, will be re-elected next year. Speaking of the government shutdown, I see these same lamebrains in Congress who haven't come up with a budget, will still get paid! So, we may be inconvenienced, but they don't. And they are loons, so many of them. The one NY Congresswoman who said "the freshman elected last Nov have come to Washington to kill women!" I suppose that is because of their opposition to abortion. Why do my tax dollars go to pay for abortion? I may not consider it murder, but it's wrong, very wrong. Government should not be subsidizing wrong behavior, encouraging more of the same. Last Sunday there were a few photos in the newspaper of Hollywood actress. I received an e-mail photo of Liz Taylor. Very good looking women, all. But, you know, I know and have known many women who I have found and find just as beautiful. That's not a slam on the Hollywood women, not at all. It's just an observation and a compliment to those who aren't in Hollywood. Go ahead, try to tell me A. Lincoln wasn't the greatest President and the greatest American....

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