Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Random Thoughts

Interesting that abusive priests couldn't help themselves. Yep, a new study purports to relieve (absolve?) priests of their predations. It seems it was society's fault for not preparing priests for the '60s and '70s liberations. How great to never be responsible for anything! It won't be too long until nothing is anyone's fault. The schools have already started this crap with "Let's not point fingers" and "Let's move on."

Great radio yesterday AM on the drive to class! It was a lively debate between Frank Beckmann and Mitch Albom over the state's film company subsidies. I think Albom was right in that Beckmann overstated the "lack of transparency" (I detest that word!) in Albom's role in his movie being filmed here. It seemed Beckmann was grasping at straws to defend his main argument, that the state has no business picking and choosing what industries to subsidize with taxpayers' money. That said, I think Beckmann was right on the money, helping his argument with something like: If Albom is so committed to the film industry coming to Michigan--and staying here!--why doesn't he (and the other Hollywood-types purportedly behind giving state money to millionaire movie-makers) invest his own money here? Can't he and the other Hollywood-types produce the "226 jobs" for Michigan folks with their own money? Gee, could it be that the subsidies are losing causes, that they don't recover the money spent--not even close? And, aren't Albom and the Hollywood-types very wealthy men/women--dare I say multi-millionaires? Hmmm...smacks of the hypocrisy I rant and rave about all of the time.

Little league baseball again--yet another instance of coaches and umpires not knowing the rules. A runner was hit with a batted ball. Everyone seemed to know the batter was out, but not what to do with the runners. We ended up with the right situation, although I don't think the opposing coach was convinced I did the right thing. That he was ahead 20 to something probably helped. I wonder what would have happened had the game been close????? Also, I saw a first--one of our kids was thrown out stealing!!!!! Yep. The pitcher threw a strike. The catcher caught the ball and threw a perfect strike to 2B. The shortstop or second baseman caught the ball and made the tag. Of course, there would have been no play at all had the runner actually started when he could have, not hesitate on the way, and make an attempt to slide--there would have been no play; he would have been safe by a mile. But.... No doubt that would be used an a justification for stealing and against my arguments. Bah! I was a little more upset that an out was made and cost one of our batters a time at bat. What were we doing, down by 20 runs or so, trying to steal? Fortunately, we scored a bunch of runs the last inning so everyone got to bat at least two times. But, after the steal and out, I yelled, "No chances" to the base coaches. "Don't cheat our batters out of a time up." I wonder if any, other than Mike, knew what I was talking about. Maybe.... And, last, how does it happen, with a "draft" that the other team(s) get(s) three pitchers (at least, that's all we saw) who are far better than anyone we have? We got no runs and no hits the first four innings off the first two pitchers. The other coach put in another kid in the fifth and we scored about 6 or 7 runs on a bunch of walks and a few real hits. Then, after 6 or 7 runs (and I don't at all blame the other coach; I would have done it, too), he took out the third kid and put in a fourth who struck out the next two or three batters--who had no chance to hit the guy. Hmmm....

Still curious at how the media give Obama a free pass, even after all this time. He is so very narcissistic. It's all about him, "I," "me," "mine." He epitomizes those who grew up in the 70s and 80s. Can you imagine what the media would do with another President, say a Republican, who exhibited the same degree of self-centeredness? I don't understand the infatuation the media has with the guy, not at all.

And, last, how can the White House invite some gangsta rapper to the White House, one who has, apparently, a lot of anti-cop lyrics in his, ahem, "music." It's cop-hating and even about killing cops--or so I understand. How can the Obamas do that? Imagine if Terry Jones was invited to the White House? "Don't be ridiculous, Ron!" Precisely.... And all during National Police Week.

Remember the Dutch editor, "I was too busy enjoying my freedom to do anything to protect it."

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