Wednesday, September 7, 2011


It was suggested to me the other day by my brother-in-law that I write a book about my "heroes," those who I have respected, sort of Ron's "Profiles in Courage." Notions of a book aside for now, who would be my choices?

Certainly, A. Lincoln would be my first selection. I've blogged about him enough so that the reasons for that are out there. Thinking of Presidents, Washington and Jefferson immediately came to mind. But further thought makes them not so obvious. I might still include them, but they aren't anywhere near the league that Lincoln played in. It was suggested to me that Reagan might be one, but he's not a favorite of mine. The more I learn about him, Eisenhower might make the list, perhaps Truman, too. But of the Presidents, only Lincoln would be a certain inclusion.

The words and courageous actions (he risked and eventually lost his life for his ideas; how many of us would be willing to do the same, even risk our lives?) of Martin Luther King would likely get him serious consideration. So would Frederick Douglass, also a brave man in the face of personal danger.

I'd seriously think about the first Roman emperor, Augustus, too. He wasn't a democrat or a republican in his views and actions, but he was a remarkable man. Although he wielded immense power and control, he first and foremost thought about Rome. Times were different then and what he did doesn't seem so liberating (is that the right word?) today, but his rule was pretty enlightened. I'd also look at Churchill. He, too, stood up, but I wonder if I might include him so I could tell some funny stories about him??????

There are lots of historical figures to consider, but I find that I find very few definite inclusions. Maybe I should think about this.

I wonder if I would include some of my teachers. Prof Romer immediately comes to mind, as do a few others.

Just what I need, more things to think about! But, I think a worthwhile thing. Thanks, Jack.

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