Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I don't know, but is there anything more exciting than a perfect game in baseball?  I just watched the final inning of some Seattle pitcher's perfect game (I guess he's well-known, but I don't know his name) and was rooting hard for the guy.  I was all pumped up.  When he got it, I cheered, too.  How cool!

All those years and all those games, had to be well over a thousand, likely many more, I think I was really involved in only one no-hitter, not even a perfect game.  (OK, I tossed a perfect game as a kid, 9 or 10 years old, but it only went three innings and 9 outs--that doesn't count.)  My college teammate Rick Murphy tossed one against, get this, our biggest rival, Williams.  Yep, we were excited.  And, imagine a kid who didn't pitch but a couple of innings all year, who started the second game of the DH against Williams, Dave McCarthy, throwing a 1-hitter!  Yes, true story.

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