Friday, August 30, 2013

Fri Musings

Syria??????  OK, what's the US going to do?  Or, rather, what is Obama unilaterally going to do?  He's going to send missiles somewhere, against something, sometime--for what purpose?  To depose Assad?  No, that's already been stated as not the purpose.  Hmmm......  To save face?  Maybe, since Obama has made himself a laughingstock in the international diplomatic community.  Britain has already said, "No way, Ray" to a missile attack on Syria.  Oh, by the way, there is still no definitive proof Assad was behind the gas attacks.  What's the title of the NY Times best seller, something like Amateur in the White House?

A good column by Frank Beckmann today.  I blogged about the decline of culture as demonstrated by our increasing inability to use language correctly.  He cites "twerking" and, specifically, the Miley Cyrus gyrations on MTV.  (I didn't see this, not even on You Tube--I have no desire to do so.)  We have dumbed down decency.  Can there be any doubt about it? When did it start?  I don't know, but excusing Bill Clinton in l'Affaire Lewinsky didn't help in the least.

A great column, too, by Dan Thomasson.  Except, it wasn't "great" in the manner he likely intended.  He was taking aim at those, namely a Michigan Congressman, who suggest Obama should be impeached.  He claimed it is a ridiculous idea, "without any grounds for doing so."  Ah, but Mr. Thomasson falls into the same group as the anti-Tea Party crowd.  As one of them once told me, among other things, "They have no ideas." How wrong is that?!?!?!  Of course the Tea Partiers have ideas, lots of them.  That some don't like those ideas doesn't mean there aren't any; not at all.  In fact, it points to the intellectual vapidness of the critics like those.  One doesn't have to be a Tea Partier or even agree with Tea Party ideas to fully appreciate their concerns and worries!  Thomasson must be part ostrich, with his head buried in the sand.  There are lots of reasons to impeach Obama--I don't necessarily agree with them, but they are there.  Just because we don't agree with ideas doesn't me they don't exist.  Thomasson gives a classic example of "sloppy thinking."

And there's a section of letters-to-the-editor titled, "Grading Gov. Rick Snyder."  I was thinking of this the other day.  I think I'd grade him rather poorly, not just because of his policies.  I don't like his use of the Emergency Managers.  The EM law, however "necessary" some might deem it, is undemocratic.  His deceitful use of the legislature in passing the right-to-work law was not appreciated by me--I don't care for sneakiness.  And, it seems, he is quite willing to sell his principles as long as money comes with the sale.  To wit, his push for the Medic-Aid bill that is now set to be passed.  How "un-Republican" to have anything to do with ObamaCare--read "big government!"  Oh, but Michigan will lose out on all that federal money.  Principles be damned!  And all the credit for the semi-rebound of the state (it hasn't hit many yet?) I think shouldn't go to Snyder as much as the auto-makers.  And I don't think it was any great genius or improved management that sparked the autos resurgence--read low-interest rates and rebates!  Gee, if one sells out his principles, what does he have left?  And, by the way, those Republican state legislators who also sold out should be ashamed.  Of course, they won't be because shame died quite a while ago.

I go to McDonald's or Wendy's (fast-food places) a couple times a week, esp when classes start.  They are quick, convenient, and cheap.  Besides, I like the food--it's pretty good!  I almost always order from the cheap menu, whatever it's called.  I never order a happy meal (except for the kids), a Big Mac, or any of the Wendy specialty sandwiches (although the Baconator is tempting!)  Imagine what might happen to prices if the striking fast-food workers succeed in getting their hourly rates increased to $15 an hour!  Will the cheap menu disappear?  It likely would.  And, so would my business.  I suspect I would hardly be alone.  With less business, fewer jobs, esp at $15 an hour!, would be needed.  So, the remaining workers would make such a wage, but there would be far fewer of those workers.  Yep, those strikers are going to show them.

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