I opened my Sun newspaper and the top of the paper read, "legendary reporter dies." How often do I read that word, "legendary," or others like it, "legend," "beloved," etc.? I guess I must be an ostrich of sorts. Many of these "legends" are people I've never heard of, ever. Typically they are the Hollywood-types, television people, or hippy-rock stars whose names I don't recognize. Or, if I do recognize them, I wonder what they ever did to merit a "legendary" sobriquet. I suppose this is yet another instance of us watering down the English language so that, in essence, words become more and more nebulous, without any real meaning.
Ah, cell phones and texting. It's not enough that they are often incredibly rude conveyances. It's not enough that a driver who is texting is 23 times, yes, 23 times!, more like to get in an accident. Now, pedestrians who text while walking are "racking up injuries," according to a newspaper article this AM. Perhaps it's not the technology itself (of course it isn't), but the way the "I, Me, Mine" generations use it to become even more "I, Me, Mine."
In one of my Linked-In e-mails, here are some job titles/descriptions that are out there: "bottle popper," "feed ingredients and by-products specialist," and these, all coming in the field of education, "simulation technician," "permissions clearance researcher," "enrollment associate," "work control and support coordinator," "older adult services director." Hmmm...... Sounds like a lot of paper-pushers to me. I always thought there were/are far too many people in the schools getting teacher-pay for not teaching, but doing pretty much superfluous or useless work. Of course, that's just me.
I suppose it's "Happy New Year!" While most people celebrate the coming of the new year on Jan 1, teachers seem to make the first Tue in Sept their new year. Ah, the return to school. I remember how much I dreaded that for so many years. I don't think anyone realized how much I disliked working at MHS, more so than any imagined, I'd guess. Now, I am excited about my return, looking forward. I know some teachers would say, "It'll be June before you know it." Well, now I don't want it to "be June before [I] know it." I suppose that's for two [4-2?] reasons. I enjoy this much more than I ever did. And, there aren't a whole lot of "Junes" left for me! Regardless, Happy New Year, although I prefer the traditional New Year's Eve Party.
OK, out to do my school work before I change my mind and find other things to tinker with......
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