Wednesday, March 5, 2014

More Government Folly

Apparently public schools across the nation received a letter from Obama's Justice and Education departments warning them against "racial discipline," which according to these dimwits, "is a real problem."

C'mon, do these people really have college degrees?  Have some of them, the Attorney-General for instance, really graduated from law school?

The 32-page report warned schools, perhaps in not so many words, that students must be disciplined to match the racial make-up of the schools.  I guess, if 54% of a school are black students, then 54% of the discipline must be for black students, not 55% or 56% or......

Another ridiculous--both in nature and in the waste of money--study by the federal government cited that "students of certain racial or ethnic groups tend to be disciplined more than their peers."  Who are these fools who come up with this stuff??????

Does this also mean that, if a school's student population is 54% female, then 54% of the disciplinary actions must be taken against girls?  After all, if not, then doesn't that demonstrate that "certain [gender] groups," that is, boys, are being discriminated against?

Do any of these federal bureaucrats--right up to the very top--ever think?

BTW, did you read of the elementary school kid who was suspended because he ate his Pop-Tart into the form of a gun?  I guess he then pointed at some other student......

If I didn't have 43 years of experience with the public schools, I'd think this was all fantasy, just made up stuff, maybe from the Tea Parties!  But I know better; it really happens like this.

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