Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Strange Values

So, the President finds the botched Oklahoma execution of a convicted murderer "troubling." Hmmm......

OK, this has been eating at me all day.  It's "Benghazi."  (Now, what has taken John Boehner so long to appoint a select committee to investigate is beyond me.  Of course, we know Harry Reid won't do anything.)

First, there's Nancy Pelosi asking, "Benghazi?  Benghazi?  Benghazi!  Can't we just get over it?"  That reflects Hillary Clinton's "What difference does it make?"  (And lapdog LameStream media-types' attempts notwithstanding, I don't at all think her words were "taken out of context." They certainly weren't.)  Four Americans, serving their country, were killed.  And, it surely appears that the US government tried to cover up (and then cover up the cover-up) the affair, lest their Islamist friends be identified as the culprits or their own policies demonstrated as bankrupt.  

Then this week there's this lame-brain "communications expert" coming from the White House who, in reply to a reporter's question about Benghazi, so eloquently stated, "Dude, that was two years ago!"  Oh, I get it.  "Can't we just get over it?"  "What difference does it make?"  Where'd this guy get his degree??????  If I was that school, I'd surely think about asking for him to return it--or at least hang my head in shame.  (Darn, I forgot again--there is no shame any longer.)  "Dude, that was two years ago!"  Just think about that one for a minute.  (OK, I must give the guy some credit.  I guess I wouldn't have been surprised had he said, "Dude, that was so two years ago!"  But he didn't and deserves a little credit for not being a complete cretin, just mostly.)

Now let's put this in a little perspective.  "Watergate?  Watergate?  Watergate?  Can't we just get over it?"  Besides, "What difference does it make?"  And since the Senate was led by Democrats, Majority Leader Mike Mansfield didn't hesitate in appointing Sam Ervin to head a select committee to investigate Watergate, a Republican crime.  Besides, "Watergate?  Dude, that was last year!"

No, I'm not defending Nixon or diminishing the impact of Watergate.  Perhaps the perpetrators of it didn't get punished enough!  And I'm not picking on just Democrats.  People know I've also been pretty hard on Republicans; note Boehner.  But amid all this Benghazi lethargy, Obama has the temerity to "find troubling" that a convicted murder's execution may have not gone exactly as drawn up.  Now, this guy wasn't just a murderer.  Apparently he was caught, with buddies,, breaking into a house.  He shot a woman and then buried her in the backyard--while she was still alive!  So, this--the botched execution--is "troubling,"  Yet, a terrorist attack on an American government facility was met with, well, preparing for a fundraiser with Hollywood-types or a debate with Romney??????  (I've forgotten which.)  I guess my priorities are all wrong--I hope yours aren't.  I'm supposed to feel sorry for this guy who shot and buried a woman while she was still alive (and whose execution was botched) and "get over" the terrorist murders of four American government workers in Libya.  OK, I think I have it straight now.

And there are still people with Obama/Biden bumper stickers on their cars!  At least 40 years ago people were ashamed, "I didn't vote for him [Nixon]," although most of them did--he won 49 states.  I know, I know..."But Bush lied."  But, "Dude, that was 12 years ago!"

As we slip further into the abyss, the Apocalypse is nearly upon us.

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