Sunday, July 27, 2014


Sometimes I can't get my mind around things.

I saw today that ISIS in Iraq blew up a shrine in Iraq, the birthplace of the prophet Jonah.  I think that's what it was.  It is holy to both Jews and Christians.  But, regardless, the Muslim fundamentalists destroyed it, as they have many Christians in that city, Mosul.  At one time Mosul had tens of thousands of Christians; now there are none.

So, where are the protests from the West?  I'm not necessarily talking about Christians and Jews, but those who purport to believe in the ideas of the Enlightenment, you know, human rights??????  One of the basic tenets of the Enlightenment is freedom of religion.  (Remember Voltaire's criticism of the Catholic Church, which had a monopoly in France on people's religion and religious thought--"Crush the infamous thing [the Church].")  But, oh, these same human rights activists are all over criticism of Islam!  Remember their condemnation of the anti-Islam video that purportedly was the cause of the Benghazi murders?  (And, of course, we now know this was a blatant lie by the Obama administration.)  How about the Dutch cartoons of Muhammad?  Let's toss in the so-called "honor killings," where fathers and/or other relatives murder their own Muslim kin because of conversions to other religions.  Yep, where is their outrage over this?

And, of course, they are all over Israel, too, for trying to defend itself.  Apparently the tunnel system didn't sway them that Hamas means to do serious damage, even fatal damage, to the state of Israel.  Note, too, the celebration as martyrs by the Palestinians of 25 of them supposedly killed by the IDF.  It now seems as if those 25 Palestinians were shot, without any judicial proceedings, by Hamas for collaboration with the IDF.

Yet, note the left-wing criticism of the Supremes' decision in the Hobby Lobby case, one that deals with Christians' freedom of religion.  First, I believe Hobby Lobby is a privately-owned corporation, a family company.  Second, Hobby Lobby only opposed ObamaCare's dictate that it pay for all birth control, even the four methods that are abortive.  Hobby Lobby's still paid for insurance that paid for 16 other methods of birth control.  Third, if those are opposed are so adamant about Hobby Lobby's stance, to paraphrase the Starbucks' CEO in another, but I think related matter, "You can take your business elsewhere."

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