Friday, August 29, 2014

"Too Big Too Fail?"

The next time somebody says that the Democrats are for the little guy, throw this one at him.

Of course, Chrysler, GM, and all those Wall Street banks got federal money because they were, at least we were told, "too big to fail."  Now it appears that all we little guys, those who had significant portions of our homes damaged by the floods here in Metro Detroit a couple of weeks ago, are just that "too little to help."  If things play out the way they look, no federal money will be coming to assist all those common homeowners.  Nope, even though they are taxpayers and they have, as Brooks Patterson said, "a need of expectation and support," they won't get it.

First, I 'm from Detroit.  I worked for Fords (which I'm glad to say didn't take federal money), growing up practically in the backyard of the Rouge Plant.  But I also opposed the federal bailout.  "Too big to fail?"  Bah!  First, for years people around here knew that GM and Chrysler were making junk.  And they were both arrogant about it, sort of an arrogant incompetence.  Note their dealings with the UAW, which also bears much of the blame for the demise of the companies.  Second, I really doubt those companies, esp GM, would have gone bankrupt.  Someone somewhere would have come across with the money, loans rather than government handouts.  After all, people are still investing in Detroit, aren't they??????  Third, even had they gone bankrupt, it's reasonable to assume that all that plant, all that equipment, all that capacity, etc. would have been bought by someone and retooled.  Fourth, what a terrible precedent!  Go ahead and mismanage, be malfeasant.  That's OK, because if the feds like you you will get a bailout.  There are not consequences (for the bad behavior and decisions of management and unions).  Yeah, right, "a precedent."  But there's likely no money coming for Detroiters who find their homeowners' insurance policies don't cover their water-damage losses.

In fact, what took FEMA more than two weeks to come here to assess the damage?  I'm no fan of Gov. Snyder, but criticism of him for taking too long to request federal aid smacks of nothing more than politics, of shifting blame.  He actually cut short a trip to the UP to assess storm damage, unlike our golf-playing, vacationing President.

And immigrants illegally coming into this country are getting government aid--schools, hospitals, food, and more--while our own citizens are getting the fickey-doo from their own government??????  Where are the confrontations with Levin, Stabenow, and our Michigan House delegation?  Why aren't Michigan folks calling them on the carpet for this?  After all, the ads all tout how much they do for Michigan.  Yes, I do sent e-mails to all three of my members of Congress.  One responds (but he has no clout, not even within his own party since he's not an Establishment Republican--that is a big-government Republican; besides, after the primary loss, he's a lame-duck), the two others (both Democrats) usually ignore my letters or, if they do answer, it's months later and often the replies have absolutely nothing to do with my original e-mail.  Sometimes it's quite comical, sort of "What would your rather do, ride a bicycle or live in Michigan?

That the infrastructure broke down during the storm can't be blamed on one party--both Republicans and Democrats are responsible.  They spend money where it shouldn't be spent and don't spend it where it should be spent.

I was thinking of this one the other day, too.  So this Beyonce (I think that's how her name is spelled.  I'm not sure.  I surely wouldn't recognize any of her songs--isn't she a singer?--and probably not even a photo of her.) is claiming to be "a feminist."  And, I guess, the feminist movement is jumping on board.  Hmmm.....  I always thought feminism was a movement that opposed the exploitation of women.  What is it the Beyonce wears, from what I understand, not much!  Oh, so she's taking advantage of her good looks by dressign in a skimpy manner?  Isn't that anti-feminism??????  Ah, but what would one expect from a movement that embraces Bill Clinton as a feminist President?  Right, not much.

BTW, more shootings and murders in Detroit the past few days.  Several have been of young people and gangs have been targeted as the perpetrators.  It certainly appears that outrage and even concern among our leaders is quite selective--once again.

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