Thursday, September 11, 2014

No Mas! No Mas!

I concede!  I have been judged by a jury of my peers and found guilty of being wrong.  Apparently I am wrong about Kid Rock.  I received many personal replies, none agreeing with my assessment of his voice.  All but a couple were strongly supportive of him--his songs, his voice, his concerts, etc. And those couple were merely tepid toward him, not negative.  I will repeat, though, I don't quite understand.

It leads me to wonder if some other guy could have been equally successful (and popular) with the same marketing, the same band/background, etc.  Where would Mick Jagger have been without the Stones ("The world's greatest rock 'n' roll band," some said.), Madonna without her schtick and studio voice enhancements, Springstreet without Clarence Clemons and the rest of the E Street Band, etc.

While I am at it, what a cool AM to run!  It was very reminiscent of AMs on the Cape, Cape Cod that is.  Cool, cloudy/dark, and windy, enough to make noise.  It brought back memories, a nostalgic wave.  Mon night coming home from class, the full moon was reflecting off Union Lake.  I pulled into the parking lot at the access site just to drink in a few minutes of it.  Then, the next AM, as the sun was rising and peeking between the clouds, it reflected off Lake Sherwood.  That, too, was very cool, worth stopping to look for a while.


Grant said...

"I have been judged by a jury of my peers and found guilty of being wrong. Apparently I am wrong about Kid Rock."

I didn't see the e-mail so I am not sure how harsh you might have been but I think I am on your side. Kid Rock has a bit of musical talent. There are thousands of more talented singers, songwriters and musicians who have garnered a fraction attention. Kid Rock managed to make a name by finding a niche of country-rock-rap and appealing to suburban kids who want to appear tough.

Ron Marinucci said...

I'm still hearing from the Kid Rock fans......