I have a few minutes before picking up the kids from school--add "School Bus Driver" to my resume!
I laughed, but not too hard, the other day listening to a local radio talk show host berate a called for "not even knowing the history of your own city!" Of course, the caller's "own city" is Detroit. The host proceeded to name a litany of significant names, including "Richard Gabriel, the Catholic priest." I almost drove off the road! Of course, it's "Gabriel Richard," the French priest. But here this host was critical of his caller and then blurted out "Richard Gabriel," English pronunciation and all.
A week or so ago a Detroit News editorial hoped that "voters will come to their senses." The writer was citing Trump's lead in the polls. I also hope "voters will come to their senses," but far differently than this editor. I hope voters will stop voting for what Lee Iacocca called "Bozos" for political office. This includes Democrats and Establishment Republicans alike. Of course, the News has endorsed numerous "Bozos," Democrats (Yes, it has. Gary Peters for one?!?!?!) and Establishment Republicans alike. This places the News firmly in the ranks of the Establishment, of course. Who was it who first said, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem?"
If this is remotely true, talk about big government, about bureaucracy run amok! I read that the US Dept of Education has more than 4600 employees who make (Whew! I almost wrote "earn!") average salaries of almost $140,000! Can that be so? Since the Dept of Ed was created, hasn't education in this country seriously declined? (Again, recall, I'm not a big fan of the education establishment, including many teachers and administrators.) Still...... By the way, in seeking to confirm those numbers, I discovered that there are "more than 2000" US federal agencies. There is no actual figure and US gov't sources have different numbers. How's that for saying, "Hey, do you think government is a bit too big?"
It was, in a large sense, distressing to hear some Iowa reporters quizzing Iowa caucus voters about Ben Carson. I'm not endorsing (Ha, as if anyone wants my endorsement; it might be the kiss of death!) him; it's far too early, 13 months before the Presidential election. But the simple aim of the questions seemed to be, "Is Ben Carson too smart to be President?" "Is he too nice to be President?" and the like. And isn't that telling? Are the jerks and worse in politics so bad that being "too nice" is a detriment, a quality that would disqualify a candidate?
BTW, any Trump supporters who think he's out there representing the little guy, might want to do some research on, say, his view and his history on eminent domain. Just do the research......
Friday, October 9, 2015
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