Saturday, January 9, 2016


Here we go again, people expressing their "outrage."  A Detroit newspaper asked where's the outrage over teacher sick-outs the past week in the Detroit public schools.  I guess a good follow-up question for the News might be where's the outrage at the governor's dictatorial handing over control of the DPS, usurping power from the duly elected school board, to emergency managers under whose watches the DPS skyrocketed.  Selective "outrage," I guess.

Speaking of emergency managers appointed by the governor, you know, to straighten out all those messes, it appears that the Flint water lead poisoning was covered up for quite some time.  Where's the "outrage" at the appointment of such people who were supposed to have overseen the city government?  Oh, the governor covered his bejabbers by dismissing the head of some department, but whoop-tee-doo.

The 7-year old girl who was murdered as some "dissed" person sprayed her house with bullets will have some burial problems.  It seems somebody stole the money raised for the family's funeral on some online site.  Where's the "outrage" at that entire fiasco?

For that matter, more murders in Detroit the past few days, not including those shot and merely seriously wounded.  These instances involved some residents who have no respect for the value of human life.  Where's the "outrage" over all these murders?

In a series of sexual assaults on the east side, an 18-year old Detroiter was arrested.  And police are trying to discover if he was also involved in other crimes over a longer period.  It happens that this guy was on probation for "a serious assault with intent to do great bodily harm."  Why wasn't this guy locked up with the key thrown away?  Where's the "outrage" that animals like this are allowed out of jail/prison to roam the streets and commit further violence?  Oh, I'm sorry.  Maybe we should wait for the family members to tell us what a good kid he is,  how loving he is, etc.

Charges against Bill Cosby?  Hillary being applauded for saying any woman who claims rape should be believed?  Wait a minute......  What about her husband?  Did Hillary believe Katherine Willey, Juanita Broadrick, and even Monica Lewinsky?  (Check the spellings.)  Of course she didn't.  Instead, she went about destroying these women, well, not Lewinsky, but only because there was that nasty piece of evidence we know as the dress.  Where is the "outrage" against Bill Clinton?  Where are the women's groups on this?  Or are the women who were assaulted "acceptable losses" as far as the Clintons and their followers are concerned?

A police officer was shot yesterday in Philly, by a man who did it "for Islam."  The officer will survive, but his "death sentence" was apparently because he was an agent for the enforcement of the laws of infidels.  And the Democrats and LameStream Media are still calling names for those who want to limit or, at least, slow immigration from the Middle East until we can get a handle on who is coming and why they are coming?  Where's the "outrage" over this idiocy?   If San Bernardino wasn't enough, what's it going to take?  I'm not advocating slamming the doors, but before we just allow anyone and everyone in from anywhere and everywhere, maybe we should get a handle on things first.

This is like a conversation I had with some folks a few weeks back, who seemed to support Bernie Sanders, namely his plan to soak the rich, you know, those greedy people.  I ended the conversation with, "As soon as you admit you are willing to pay the same taxes, that is, the same rate, as you expect others to pay, we can talk.  You just want other people to pay for things you want.  Until you agree to that, we aren't talking."  Same thing here.  Until people quit being selectively "outraged," blindly and often willfully following what others tell them to do, I can't take them very seriously.

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