Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Weather

Isn't this ridiculous??????  Two weekends ago, it was 15 below zero.  The weekend after hit the 60s. Then we had 11-12" of snow, followed by another weekend reaching the mid-60s.  Today it's snowing like crazy, with a predicted 6-9" by midnight.  The way it's coming down now, I believe we'll get it.  Someone told me next week will be in the 50s and 60s.

Remember the boycott of South Africa over apartheid?  That was what, 40 or 50 years ago?  And, it worked.  Why don't we boycott China or Cuba or Saudi Arabia?  After all, don't the regimes there treat common folks pretty badly?  Doesn't China pretty much rely on almost slave labor?  How is it, again, that women are treated in Saudi Arabia (let alone the citizens as a whole)?  And, go ahead, try to find a Cuban alive who was critical of either Castro in the past 55 years.  So, why can we work up such outrage at South Africa, but not against these other countries?  In fact, why is it that our governors and corporations race to China to do business?  The Chinese steal our corporate and military secrets and our patents/products.  They pollute the earth worse than anyone.  And, the regime tells its people what they can think, how many kids they can have (Guess what happens to babies born beyond the quotas.), etc.  Yet, there we are, begging to do business with them.  Our President rushes to Cuba to embrace the tyrannical dictator--and it's not as if Cuba has any impact on our own defense.  Maybe he just misses smoking good cigars?  Would it be too much to ask Obama to take a real leadership role on this?  Witnessing his 7+ years so far, yep, I guess it would.

Isn't it interesting to see the Establishment Republicans circling the wagons, rushing to dump on Trump and Cruz?  Paul Ryan seems to be the latest, but there are others.  Wasn't Ryan one of the new breed when elected just what seems like a few years ago?  Why didn't he rail against the Establishment Republicans who lied to get elected and re-elected, who pressured, polarized, and stigmatized those Republicans who tried to live up to their anti-Establishment promises to get elected?  I guess it didn't take him (and others like him) to learn to go-along-to-get-along?

It strikes a cord when I hear the slams and name-calling directed toward Cruz.  I don't for a minute believe any of them.  It is very apparent what is occurring.  One might be opposed to Cruz based on philosophy, politics, etc.  But the attempt to get rid of him through name-calling is the goal.  I know, having been the target of name-calling when I questioned being asked to do very stupid things.

I heard a campaign ad for Clinton in which she is giving a speech, telling people that American doesn't have to be great again (Trump), but that we just need to come together again.  Who, other than Clinton and her Democratic friends, have done more to polarize the nation, to divide people?  I can't really think of any.

I was very hungry, waiting for dinner.  From out of nowhere I thought of the probable choices in the November election:  Trump v Clinton.  I lost my appetite and am not at all hungry.

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