Friday, June 24, 2016

Brexit Leads to "Shock!"

To hear the newscast today--radio and television and wait until the newspapers tomorrow--incredible amounts of "shock" are resounding throughout the world today.  The source of the "shock" is Britain leaving the European Union.  The US markets have fallen sharply, the President is upset, etc.

I think what has happened is that the arrogant elitists have been "shocked."  In their infinite wisdom (at least in their own minds), this is a tragedy.  What about globalism?  What about cooperation?  What about their, forget the common Britisher's, goals?

Once again I find these arrogant elitists to be complete out of touch with reality, at least the reality of the common folks.  The politicians, the academics, the media, the experts...are all shocked.  Obama, revealing his globalist hand as if he hadn't already, warned the Brits if they left the EU, they'd have to "go to the end of the queue."  But who, really, couldn't see this coming, esp if the British pols listened to their constituents?

Who could possibly think the Brits are happy with what has happened and is happening to their nation and to them?  They, like many European countries, have been flooded with immigrants from a very, very different culture and tradition.  These immigrants have demanded and have received permission to follow their religious and traditional/cultural mandates.  That is, they refuse to assimilate.  For instance, large parts of whole cities are ruled by Sharia, the Islamic law.  British law, centuries old, be damned.  Brits themselves, like others in their own European countries, are victimized by immigrants who impose their own religious and social beliefs on them.  (Note the attacks on Western women who, oddly enough, dress like Western women!  Note, too, how silent the feminists in the West are......)  And, remember, the Brits are in the process of becoming a minority in their own country, like many Europeans, due to the birthrates of those immigrants.

(If you want to gain keen insights into the minds of the Islamists, pick up a couple of novels by Daniel Silva.  He is very enlightening.  And, a bonus, his protagonist, Gabriel Allon, is terrific.  (I almost used the word "awesome."  It would have been the perfect word, had it not been co-opted and turned into a word of immense triteness.)

Yet those arrogant elitists, who know far more than we do, who know what's better for our countries and ourselves than we do, express "shock" at the Brexit.

Go ahead, vote for the Democratic or Republican nominees in November......


Joe said...

So is this the spark in the proverbial powder keg for common Americans to take back the country from the current political class driven lunacy? Will we see the second coming of Gasden and the Sons of Liberty, as everyone with a shred of common sense looks around and asks "how did we get this far gone?" Will the ripples of Britex be felt in the voter booths come November? Or is there enough time for the powers to be to make sure we all die a slow numbing death fighting over the latest outrage in the current weeks news cycle?

guslaruffa said...

God save the Queen! Britain needed to do this. When unelected bureaucrats in. Belgium dictate the design of their tea kettles, hair dryers and toaster to save energy, they needed to make a change. And now the people who promoted Brexit say that their promises were 'just a suggestion of policies'. What gives?