Saturday, September 17, 2016

Defying Belief

If I footnote comes at the end, what is a note at the beginning called?  Anyway, Pat check my comment to your post of the other day.  And Gus, check my comment to your post of two or three blogs ago.  Thanks.

I am still having a very hard time that November matches Clinton v Trump.  As I've noted before, I think the LameStream media are going to be surprised at the closeness of the election and that Don Trump might well win.  Either way, Clinton or Trump, we lose and lose in a disastrous way.

Clinton and her supporters continue the lying.  Her "face splash" in NY was due to the heat, although temps were in the 70s.  Then it was dehydration, which was described as a problem she's had before; didn't Bill say it has happened at least twice before?  Heh Heh.  Then it was ammonia (I know, I know), but noninfectious.  Didn't someone reveal she had a secret surgery in January?  (That might just be the Internet talking, but if it's on the Internet......)  I think the plain facts are she's old beyond her years, sick, and fragile, maybe even feeble.  And she is a liar.  One thing she is not, as the claim was, is "the smartest woman in the world."  How can the "smartest woman" so often say, of Benghazi, of the e-mails, of her Senate vote for the Iraq War, etc., "But I didn't know."  Again, anyone thinking of voting for her is, well, you know what I think.

And Trump is no better.  As I've said, the only person worse for President that Clinton is Trump and the only person worse for President than Trump is Clinton.  He can hold his own with Clinton when it comes to avoiding the truth.  Those who still think he'll be good for the economy should remember that Trump will be good for whatever is good for Trump--nobody else.  If we luck out and profit residually, well, he doesn't mind.  If we don't, like all the little people he's stepped on in the past, well, he doesn't mind that either.  To repeat, anyone thinking of voting for him is, well......

Yet, what is the choice?  There is none other than not vote for either and hope, and that's all it is, a long-shot hope, that party leaders might well wake up and recognize that, if they actually choose a good candidate, they might win by luring back disenchanted voters.

I have little hope for that one.  Still listening to/reading about the Republican Establishment, well the Democrat Establishment, too, they still "don't get it."  Both sides are too busy casting aspersions at the American people to recognize the anger and frustration that led to Trump and the success of Bernie Sanders.  (C'mon......  How did that doddering old fool nearly win the Dem nomination and, without the dirty tricks of the Dem Establishment, might well have?)  Rather than looking within, at themselves, they choose to those of us down here in the trenches as the problem.  They even look at us like we're stupid, really dumb.  After all, we have, at least for a while?, stopped doing what they, who are obviously smarter than we are and know what's best for us better than we do, tell us.  No, they don't understand and if we don't wake up and take control of American government and politics, the spiral downward will continue.

Now, it's not that I have any real hopes for that, either.  I'm pretty sure the Washington folks (politicians and bureaucrats, not to mention the lobbyists) don't really want to fix things there.  Well, that assumes they think there is anything wrong to fix.  No, there isn't; all that needs fixing is us.  The DC folks are really concerned about themselves, not us.  They might not even realize that.  They might even still think they are doing right.

Is this one true?  The college conference the ACC has voted to remove all of the league championships slated for North Carolina due to the state's refusal to endorse the transgender bathroom scam??????  It is the height of hypocrisy.  But we see that a lot on our college campuses, from our so-called "intellectual elites," don't we?  They act in the name of "social justice," often without any real thinking.  (Hey, isn't that the "intellectual" part of it, thinking?)  As I've noted in the past, where is the outrage from the Social Justice Warriors (I really like the sarcasm there!), including the sanctimonious ACC and the ACC-member college presidents, regarding the corporate sponsors of all those athletic events/championships?  Remember the boycotts of companies that did business with and in South Africa during the years of apartheid?  Where are the boycotts of companies that still do business with and in countries who have laws against homosexuality or, even, impose the death penalty for it??????  (I know I've blogged about this before.)  No doubt some of those big corporate sponsors of the ACC sell their products in these countries with capital punishment for gays, lesbians, transgenders, etc.  So......  No, the "intellectual elites" won't so anything like canceling contracts with their corporate sponsors, no matter where the companies do business.  It reminds me of the way the feminists sat on their thumbs and spun when it came to Bill Clinton and his abuse of women.  "Abuse?  What abuse?"  And, now, many women are supporting Hillary merely because she's a woman, despite her enabling all those years.  Enabling?  Heck, she actively went out to destroy the accusers!

1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

I think Kasich from Ohio would have been a good choice. He always appears to be presidential, carries himself well has has a good record in government. This Trump vs. Clinton race has a simple explanation. Trump in all of his bluster came out saying what most people think in this country. He endeared himself to a lot of people. Frankly I think he is surprised he got this far.
HRC with her strong machine bullied her way into that spot. She would stop at nothing to crush her opponents. Bernie became a fan favorite because he promised everybody free stuff and vowed to rob the evil rich to do so.
So in the end this is what we are stuck with. If a lesson is to be learned by both parties next time, it's to run some viable candidates. Wishful thinking, maybe.