Thursday, September 29, 2016

"Miss Piggy?"

First, a reply to Pat A.  Signs?  We had signs?  Usually the only real sign we had was stealing, when the player sitting at the end of the bench took off his hat.  Often our "sign" was me signalling with my hand to go to 2nd or telling the players, "bunt."  I remember we beat an undefeated WB team, twice in a doubleheader, on last-inning squeezes, both (if I recall) with David Wolfe.  I just told him and the runner on third to "squeeze."  Neither time did WB, the coach or the players, believe it--but they both worked and we won a pair.  Funny stuff......

How can we engage in dialogue when some speech is deemed unspeakable?  We find this on our campuses, where close-minded students, professors, and administrators fear the challenge of opposing points of view.  We find this in our media and sports/entertainment worlds, where those who say "incorrect" things, microaggressions that might upset some fragile feelings, are suspended or fired.  And, of course, we use it in politics.  If it's an idea the Establishment or other parts of the world don't like. ideas that make someone feel uncomfortable, it's taboo.  Have you ever heard that reputed great leader President Obama say, ever say!, "Yes, we find such talk (or writing or video or......) repulsive, but this is America.  We believe in free speech and a free press.  Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of our liberty."  I suspect you'll never hear him say that.  Words like that would only come from a real leader.

So, today's big anti-Trump is that he once called a Miss Universe "Miss Piggy."  I don't know that he did and there's been no confirmation/corroboration of her claim that he did.  Maybe he did and maybe he didn't.  It wouldn't surprise me if he did, though.

That said, it also doesn't surprise me that the LameStream media is covering as if it's a big deal.  Hmmm......  I know I'm losing my memory, but I fail to recall any meaningful, in-depth search into the charges of Juanita Broaddrick, Paul Jones, Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers, Linda Tripp, and others who have come forward with charges of sexual assault/rape against Bill Clinton.  For that matter, I don't think the LameStreams have done much to investigate the charges that Hillary not only enabled her husband, but aided and abetted by threatening, slandering, etc. the accusers.  If I don't have a hard time believing Trump said such a thing (or worse?), I also don't have trouble believing Clinton alleged actions.

But, of course, calling someone "Miss Piggy" is a whole lot worse than threatening, slandering, etc. those who make claims of sexual abuse/slander, isn't it?  Especially to women and the women's rights groups?  BTW, whatever happened to every sexual assault victim has "the right to be believed?"  Oh, I understand; only some sexual assault victims have "the right to be believed."

When we think of the Clintons and their followers, remember this from that George Stephanopoulos (sp?) guy, talking in the 1993 documentary, The War Room,"...people who aren't going to matter."  I know, I know.  "You're taking this out of context."  Maybe so, but I thought the Clintons were there for us, the "people."  Yep, just like the women's rights groups, regular people ought to think about this one, too.  And that's why I never watch anything this guy is on.  (OK, you win.  I really don't watch television anyway.)

I know it never happened, that nobody from the NFL was fined for wearing shoes or other markings commemorating the Sept 11 tragedy.  One or two NFL players claimed they were threatened with fine, but nobody was.  Still there are two things about this.  First, does anyone believe the NFL wouldn't have fined a player if there had been a huge outcry, esp after that QB and the entire one team took a knee/knees during the Star-Spangled Banner?  So. something that involves some national pride is threatened (or so it's been claimed), but something that is disrespectful isn't threatened, but, in fact, is lauded?  I've already written about how they take their stances (that's a pun), but, at least as far as I've read, haven't done a think otherwise to improve things.  But that's a different story.  Second, isn't the NFL the league with a problem with drug abusers, women beaters, thugs with guns, etc.?  Of course, some of them have been penalized/punished.  But would the NFL consider wearing a pair of shoes in memory as egregious as these felonies?  Wasn't Meyton Panning fined more than $20,000 for wearing high-top shoes to honor Johnny Unitas??????  Gee, there's yet another reason not to watch NFL games.


guslaruffa said...

Free speech. My wife says I am a Human Resource Managers worst nightmare. I guess my humor is not for everyone.
Trump's comments if said, were made in the 70's. That's the way spoke in those days. Maybe some people did not like it, but not everyone was offended. I'm sorry, if you are Miss Universe, you have an obligation not to put on 55 pounds. And if any man says he has never made a comment about a woman, he is a liar. As is any woman that makes the same claim.
The NFL is just a printing press for money. As long as nobody rocks the boat, nothing will change. I understand the dress code. What may seem like a simple request could open the door for a lot of bizzare uniform modifications. Besides, Nike or Addidas pays a lot of money to be the sole logo on that uniform.

Grant said...

"Have you ever heard that reputed great leader President Obama say, ever say!, "Yes, we find such talk (or writing or video or......) repulsive, but this is America. We believe in free speech and a free press. Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of our liberty." I suspect you'll never hear him say that. Words like that would only come from a real leader"

Obama has repeatedly said words in that same vein. Repeatedly. I will admit his administration has not always lived up to that standard in policy and actions but the idea he has not stated these very ideas is false. Many instances of that are linked in the article below.

Grant said...

You should also do some research on what it was that the Seahawks did before you keep talking about it. They did not take a knee during the Star Spangled Banner.