Sunday, October 30, 2016


"Defeated."  That's a term that was expressed to me last week.  I think it's a good term to use to explain a lot of what goes on today.  I won't delve into the context of the use of "defeated" in my interesting conversation, but will co-opt it.

I think that word and it's sense of helplessness and hopelessness were what led to Bernie Sanders and, alas, Don Trump.  Far too many Americans feel "defeated."  I include myself among them.

Although I knew it was coming and wasn't at all surprised, the Detroit Free Press this AM endorsed Hillary Clinton for President.  Of course it would; who didn't know that?  And, in the letters section of the newspaper there were echoes of the Free Press editorial.  Despite my lack of surprise, I felt my head dip, in disappointment, in defeat.  How can anyone endorse Clinton?

And then, from both the FP endorsement and letters, my head dipped even more.  I understand if someone says, "I just can't vote for Trump.  I have no choice."  But the platitudes were nauseating. Can people really believe what they write about Clinton?  Oh, her "experience," devoting her life to the lives of others, etc.  Give me a break!  I almost laughed as I thought these people are trying to turn her into Mother Teresa.

How can any right-thinking person vote for any Democrat who voted for Obamacare?  The last estimates are 25% increases for Michigan.  Some states/cities are seeing jumps far higher than that.  Either Obama and his Democrat lackeys are very stupid or they were knowingly dishonest.  And my e-mail to our US Senator last week, asking if she would help pay my increases since she helped pass this monstrosity, was met with silence--as usual.

Another writer took almost two full pages to rationalize swearing, curse words, even the worst of them.  In fact, she not only excused their use, she found "experts" to say how "healthy" and "good for us" swearing is.  It's not like I have never sworn; I still am known to throw out a choice word now and then.  But this seems to me to be yet another step on the road to diminished moral standards, to see the defeat of standards of decency.  It's more of that, "If it feels good, do it!" philosophy.  To drop "f-bombs" and other nasty words from more prudent times seems to feed into the lack of civility we show to each other.  But, hey, this is yet another reason to call me "Neanderthal."

More Trump signs are appearing.  Boy, isn't that encouraging?  But I did see four Clinton signs, two of which, like the ones last week, read, "Clinton for Prison 2016."

I'm almost waiting for "the next time," that is the next time somebody driving while on a cell phone does me in.  I've recounted the two times cell-phone users rear-ended my cars, once so bad the officer coming to the scene marveled that I walked out of the totaled car.  This AM, while I had the right-of-way (in addition to being a pedestrian) while running, I was almost nailed by some guy on his cell phone.  He was so close to me I could see the face/dial of it, as he was watching it and not the road--or me!  He didn't even know I was there until I yelled.  My yell startled him and I almost wish that had led him to drive into a tree on the side of the road.   I guess it's like swearing.  Other people be damned; I'm going to do what I want to do.

Mitch Albom had a wonderful column today on Halloween costumes, that is, a column on how difficult it is to choose Halloween costumes.   Dress as a "hobo?"  Nope, Albom said that insults the homeless.  An "Indian chief with head feathers?"  Nope, that's "a cultural stereotype," a no-no.  How about a cowboy, pretty harmless, huh?  Nope, it was the cowboys who "occupied the West," taking it from the Indians.  OK, "a mariachi singer" or "bullfighter," they can't be offensive?  Tell that to Mexicans and Spaniards.  "A clown?"  "Are you kidding?  Dressing like a clown today is the fastest way to get arrested."  I think I'll stay home and pass out the candy.  Or do I have to pass out carrot and celery sticks.  I'll bet the kids would love those.

Anyway, Happy Halloween.

1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

Swearing is a terrible habit of mine. I wish I could correct it. But it does not make me think highly of people, especially women that swear. I know that is a double standard, but I just don't like it.
People today are followers. Rigging the elections is not about hanging chads. It's about stacking the deck. Both parties do that. So people follow their party or their union blindly. Too much to watch on TV to pay attention to important things.
Cell phones and driving! When I sell Tootsie rolls for the Knights, I would say 6 out of 10 people are on their cell phones. When are these morons in Lansing going to pass laws prohibiting the use in cars. Oh, that would cost them lobbyists money. Useless F*kheads!