Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Two of the best things about the season......

I love to watch the kids open their presents from "Santa."  Sure, they get too many things and that can lead to greed and other troubles down the road.  But their eyes and excitement make it all worthwhile, if only for the present.  Both Ashley and Cody are still young enough to get that gleam, a real sparkle, in their eyes.  Michael is a bit older, but still gets a look, a smile that says, "Yep, you nailed it."

And I love giving to charities and families in need.  Oh, I'm not some major philanthropist, not by any means.  But it is far more satisfying for me to donate than to receive anything.

All in all, it's a good time of the year to take stock and appreciate all I have, stuff (That's one of my very favorite words.  I don't know why, but it is.) that I never would have dreamed of having.  Yep, we're far from wealthy, but are comfortable, again more so than anything 40 or 50 or 60 years ago would have indicated.

Just one thing and I hesitate to write this, but it's been tearing at me for the past 36 or so hours.  I can't at all understand Obama's decision to abstain from the UN resolution condemning Israel unless......  I know there is talk among some senior members of Congress about withholding our money from the UN.  I don't really see that happening, but the talk is good.  What has the UN become?  Through some of its arms, it does some good.  But in many ways it's merely become a soapbox (esp in the General Assembly) for empty talk and jabber for tyrants, petty and not-so-petty.  Here's this resolution, tendered by Egypt (I think), a great bastion of human rights, supported by other guardians of freedom such as Russia and China.  So Obama, in effect, by abstaining throws his weight, the weight of the US, behind these liberty-loving regimes. Why?  Israel is not only an ally; it's the only democracy in the Middle East.  Where is the UN (Security Council) and Obama Administration in, say, Syria, where tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands?) have been slaughtered?  Where is the UN and Obama Administration with some resolution condemning the treatment of Christians in many of these Middle Eastern nations?  I can't figure it out.  Is Obama deliberately trying to make it harder for the incoming Trump Administration?  I just can't see this abstention had Clinton been elected?  I suppose it might have been coming regardless, but only if Clinton had agreed, which she might well have.  Is Obama merely a small man, petty in this and many other things?  I am at a loss.  But I would love to see Congressional debate over funding to the UN, if only to make UN members squirm.


Unknown said...

Obama and his administrations final "hurrah" highlighting and punctuating this
decision, and all the other questionable decisions his administration has bungled...
Lets hope Trump will be able to deal with this, and many of the other predicaments
the incumbent administration has created. I hope America, in Trumps words, ..."will
turn this country around!"....

guslaruffa said...

The UN has become a worthless, powerless entity over the last 12-15 years. All it has become is a sounding board for nations with nothing to say. It has no power or teeth and should be defunded by the US if not everyone. If they want to be a clearinghouse for food and clothing to the needy, fine.
President Obama is far from IMG_5559.PNG stupid. However he is a small minded idiot for what he did to Israel. He is playing with people's lives only to make things difficult for the incoming Administration. Once a new President is elected the lame duck President should be stripped of all power. Everything Barry has done has been done to make life difficult for Trump. I can't wait until him and his Oprah wannabe wife are gone from D.C.!