Saturday, July 8, 2017


I'm pretty sure I don't have all of the answers.  In fact, the older I get the more I think I don't have many of the answers.  But I do have more and more questions; they seem to multiply.

I understand some people's dissatisfaction with Don Trump as President.  I have expressed my disappointment on many occasions.  But the Trump Presidency and the reaction to it have raised many questions for me.

Why wasn't there the same extreme opposition to Obama?  OK, if you still think Obama was a good President, you can stop reading right here.  Yes, the Republican Establishment was called "The party of no."  But I don't remember the vehement protests and vitriol toward Obama.  His policies were often divisive.  His administration was selective in its application of the law, etc.  He and his administration were just as dishonest, if not more so, than other Presidents and administrations.  His foreign policy was disastrous; that is, the world was a far more dangerous place when he left office than when he entered.

For that matter, I don't remember a whole lot of angst regarding Hillary Clinton's candidacy.  Yet another question:  How can anyone support her?

Where do some of these politicians get their nerve?  Jerry Brown, a few weeks back, called Californians opposed to some $52 billion tax increase "freeloaders."  First, what does opposition to a huge tax increase have to do with freeloading? Second, what's wrong with opposing any tax hike?  Third, why are Californians all over this guy, "Governor Moonbeam?"  For that matter, how does he ever get elected--to anything?

How can Oregon pass legislation that requires insurers to pay for abortions, even for illegal immigrants?  It's one thing to think it's OK to murder babies under the euphemisms such as "reproductive rights," etc.  It's far another to force people, through their premiums to insurers, to pay for others' abortions.  I enjoyed the photo of an Oregon woman holding a sign, "Free abortions on demand!"  Again I ask, how did we get here, to this point?

How, too, is it decided what roads to resurface?  I'm not complaining.  I worked road construction for a number of years.  But why are some roads, often less traveled, slated for repaving while other, more torn-up streets, untouched?  I was thinking of this the other day, on my bike, when riding on the shoulder of the road was far less of a bumpy ride than being on the road itself.

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