Saturday, May 19, 2018


What is our fascination with celebrity?  I understand that we are not necessarily unique in this, but I still don't understand the fascination.

Oh, I'm sure for a long time people have turned out to see kings and queens, etc.  Folks have sought autographs and other memorabilia.  Look at Beatlemania and even the bobby soxers with Frank Sinatra before that.  That's all fine and good for some people.  I admit to saving a handful of baseball cards and even an autograph or two, but only of two players with whom I have a personal connection.  But I'm not sure I could find them without a lengthy search.

More to my point is why does it seem people think the opinions of celebrities matter more than any other person's opinions?  Look at the television shows, the talk shows.  And how often do the Hollywood-types and hippy rock stars make the headlines for their views?  I don't begrudge them their opinions.  I just wonder why someone could think an entertainer of whatever sort has an opinion more worthy than anybody else's--just because he/she is an entertainer.  In fact, I sometimes hear or read of one of them and just shake my head.  Of course, they, like everyone, are entitled to opinions.  That doesn't necessarily make it a good one or even a valid one.

In the same vein, I received an e-mail the other day (joking I hope!) about a possible Oprah Winfrey run at the Presidency.  Thinking about it, I came to the conclusion why couldn't she be nominated and, perhaps, even elected?  I certainly wouldn't vote for her, but I think a lot of people just might.  Why?  It has to do with celebrity I think far more than her accomplishments, which are many.  Would most who might support her think of what she has achieved rather than merely, "It's Oprah?"

An old Jewish proverb goes, "Opportunities neglected can never be recovered."  Although "never" is a word that should be used with caution, I frequently think of "missed opportunities."  Some of those thoughts reflect what an Amherst buddy asked me 50 years ago.  "What if you'd gone to the University of Michigan instead of Amherst?"  It wasn't a rhetorical question and it sparked some interesting discussions back when.  And I've thought of that many times since.  I don't regret and never have regretted going to Amherst.  It was, although it took me more than a few years to figure it out, the formative experience of my life.

I thought of this when I was reading Dennis Prager's chapter on Exodus, from his book The Rational Bible.  He brings the first five books of the Old Testament, the Torah, to life and demonstrates their relevance to today.  Perhaps some of the lessons can form the basis of a future blog.  My immediate thought was of "opportunities neglected."

More than once over the years I have regretted not taking one or two religion courses at Amherst, The Old Testament and The New Testament.  I don't remember why I didn't take them.  I took a number of courses from the religion department--two on Islam, one each on Buddhism, the Western Tradition, and the introductory course, among a couple of others.  But I shied away from the OT and NT.  I wish I hadn't and Prager's writing reminds me of that.

Perhaps it/they would have done me more good than, say, the sociology course or education course at UMass (What a waste!  Although I didn't mind at the time that there was little if any work.) I took.  In the long run, the OT or NT course or both would have served me better.  "Opportunities neglected......"

The world is a changing place.  Of course, as history shows us, the world is always changing, sometimes for the better and sometimes not.  Perhaps this is the sentiment of one who (or is it the pretentious "whom?") Karen calls "an old curmudgeon," but I don't like many of them.  Some I just don't understand and never will.  Several sources, including Prager, reported that a Cornell University student presented her honors thesis in her underwear!  Some honor!  Yep.  It's a convoluted story, but apparently she opted to give her dry run in short shorts and a beach-wear top.  Her adviser suggested that clothing was not appropriate.  So, the student, in her formal presentation, showed up in the same or similar clothes, but while presenting, proceeded to strip down to her bra and panties.  Apparently there is some You Tube video of this.  (There's probably a You Tube video of me while grocery shopping!)  This was a formal thesis presentation!!!!!!  I'm not sure of her point, maybe that "I'm more than what I wear?"  Who knows?  I'm as disturbed over the reaction as much as this student's grossly inappropriate behavior.  First, her thesis adviser apologized!  For what?!?!?!  Second, of the several dozen students at the presentation, a majority stood and applauded her strip show.  Third, her thesis advisory committee didn't walk out.  I, for one, had I been on the evaluation board, would have left.  I'm assuming, but could be wrong, that a full committee would be required for a passing grade.  I'd have said, "Come back dressed appropriately and I'll listen."  So, why didn't these professors walk out?  Their behavior condoned her behavior.  Why did the students rise and clap?  Did they know what she was doing and approve?  Or were they just enjoying the strip show?  This student showed a great deal of disrespect toward her professors, toward the process, and toward academia, not to mention her own thesis (whatever its topic).  Oh, no doubt she, like the students who applauded, thought she was cool and making a dramatic statement.  Yep, "It's all about me!"  I wonder, if indeed this episode is on You Tube, what her parents thought of it, seeing her daughter strip down in front of others.  Imagine if they, too, were in the audience!  I'm sure they were proud......

1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

We do have a fascination with celebrities. Some have a lot on the ball and have good, well thought ideas. But most are blowhards that just rant.
Oprah is keeping her name out there for President because she is starved for attention. She could not take the scrutiny and criticizing she would receive. She thinks everyone adores her. She would be surprised when she finds out how many people do not like her. Could you imagine her going toe to toe with Putin? He would laugh at her.
Someday I plan on reading the Bible. But I think I will need the guidance from a Bible study group,