Sunday, December 1, 2019


I thought we were done with this, cries for impeachment of Supreme Brett Kavanaugh.  Most if not all of the Democrat Presidential hopefuls have either called for impeachment proceedings or have suggested them.  I have a question for these folks.  How did they stand on the vote not to remove Bill Clinton from the Presidency 20 years ago?  After all, several of the Dems referred to Kavanaugh as "lying under oath" to Congress, although is it "lying" if Kavanaugh denied doing something that never happened?  Clinton, too, lied under oath and had his license to practice law in Arkansas suspended for five years.  He also, due to the lies, was disbarred from Supreme Court practice, although I think he voluntarily gave up that to preclude further penalties/punishments.  So, if Kavanaugh should be impeached due to lying under oath, which it more and more appears he wasn't remotely doing so, what about Clinton?  What about the Democrat Senators  who, if I recall, voted unanimously "not guilty?"

And I have lost a lot of interest in the Democrats' impeachment efforts toward President Trump.  It seems to me much ado about nothing.  But I am willing to concede maybe there is something somewhere.  I hear talk of Trump's behavior as "unconstitutional."  Yep, I understand that.  But what about other Presidents who have had their actions overturned by the Supremes?  Weren't those Presidents acting, then, "unconstitutionally?" Why weren't there impeachment proceedings against them?

I know this will elicit howls and maybe even name-calling (but I'm used to it), but where were such strident impeachment calls against Obama?  Can anyone, with a straight face, deny that he exceeded on far more than one occasion his Constitutional powers?  That is, he acted unconstitutionally.  So.....?

Yet, instead of actually doing anything (and that they aren't is likely a good thing?), the Clown Show called the US Congress proceeds.  Here's how much of a circus it is.  Last week, my represenative sent a newsletter touting the latest achievement of hers.  She helped pass legislation protecting pets.  I'm not saying we shouldn't take care of our pets.  But one would think their are thousands of anti-cruelty-to-animals laws in this country--state and local laws.  But, I guess in a Clown Show, that is a big deal.

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