Thursday, May 21, 2020

"We're All in This Together"

That, "We're all in this together," seems to be ubiquitous.  It's all over the boob tube and there are full pages in the newspaper claiming this, too.  The politicians, especially Michigan's Governor, are exploiting it.  I was out running the other day and saw a couple of yard signs reminding of that, that "We're All in this Together."  And, some enterprising souls have begun printing up and selling tee shirts that read, yes, "We're All in This Together,"  "Together, we can defeat CoVid 19," or something similar.

I wish that would stop!  We're not "in this together."  I suppose it sounds good, perhaps leading to more cooperation, teamwork, or even acquiescence to government orders.  Maybe it's a morale booster to some, if not a "misery loves company" thing, something close to it.  Perhaps it's the peer pressure, that if one doesn't sacrifice, one is being selfish, inconsiderate of others, especially of others' lives.

NO!  Stop!  We're not in this together.  Anyone paying attention should recognize this.  As usual, some are in it more than others.

It must have really steamed, say, some of the private yard care companies to be out of work for five or six weeks as they saw the grass at schools, city properties, and state parks being mowed by, well, school, local government, and state employees.  How many women have commented that the governor's "roots aren't showing," nails are done, etc. when her press conferences and updates are on television?  Of course, maybe she does her own.  Yeah, right.   The list goes on

Some people have started using that worst of all words, "greed," to describe those who want to open, to restart the states and their economies.  They cite the lack of concern for some people's lives just to get back to work.  "You're willing to let people die just so you can your money??????"  I think that is very short-sighted, arrogant, and wrong.

I'm not for anyone dying, of course, but this underscores that we aren't in this together.  How easy it is to talk about "staying home" when income is not a concern.  Those not hurting financially can pontificate from on high about those "greedy" protesters.  Hmmm.  Is it "greedy" to want to get back to work to feed one's family, to make one's mortgage payment, to avoid losing one's business and/or job?  If one doesn't have to worry about any of those things, of course they can be "in this together!"

I wonder why some of the toady reporters have not asked some of these governors, particularly here in Michigan which is as shut down as any other state, if taxes will be suspended.  I think that's a very legitimate question.  Income taxes, well, if incomes have fallen or become nonexistent, that's almost a nonissue.  But property and sales taxes are still facing those who have had their incomes disappear.  If we're all in this together......  I know, I know.  "But that's different."

Even more, I'm waiting to see how long this togetherness will last.  Many people have been asked to sacrifice in the face of this pandemic.  (I"m getting to dislike that word, a lot, and hesitate to use it.)  Incomes have fallen and people have struggled.  Jobs and businesses have been lost, some never to reappear.  The rationale for the shutdown, that is, the orders closing certain businesses and activities, but only certain ones, was to "save lives."  (Hey, those multi-million dollar electronic signs on the freeways around here even remind us, "Stay home.  Save lives!"  My favorite message remains, "Raining?  Use Wipers.")

So, how many lives were saved?  All of them?  Most of the survivors among us?  A significant number?  But surely our politicians and those who supported the shutdown orders so vociferously will admit lives were saved, likely a lot of them.  (Or have they been lying to us about the figures?)  If "We're all in this together," will all those people whose lives were saved by those who sacrificed with their jobs, their businesses, and lost income then remember togetherness?  Will they contribute/donate money to help businesses get back on their feet?  After all, if their lives were saved......

No, none of this will happen.  So, unless you give money to those who already sacrificed, spare me the self-righteous "We're all in this together."


Mark said...

You have this exactly right, RM. All of the governors, medical advisors, etc. that have shut the rest of us down (I AM in danger of losing MY business!!) are still being paid, so very easy to pontificate. Plus, as the numbers are starting to tell, this virus is no more than a strong version of the annual flu virus - which annually concerns NO ONE. Mark

Jerry said...

We may all be in the same storm but where is your not in the same boat