Monday, November 9, 2020
"Biden Elected"
That was the headline in Sunday AM's newspaper. What struck me first, before the depression set in, was the absence of an exclamation point at the end. This surprised me because the Detroit Free Press doesn't hide its strong liberal bias. I guess even with the biased media, there is no real enthusiasm for Biden.
More even than the preliminary results on Wednesday AM, this headline cemented the malaise I knew would come--regardless of who won the election. I had this same dispirited feeling in '16 as well as '08 and '12. How disheartening that, in a country the size of the US (335 million people), these are our choices. There are reasons, I suppose, but that might be fodder for a later post.
For the US Senate seat in Michigan, a really sound candidate, John James, was defeated by the incumbent, Gary Peters. I find this tragic, really tragic, in more ways that one. Most important, that James lost is likely to discourage other good candidates from running. The likelihood of defeating an incumbent, esp one with almost 25 years in politics, appears very small. Why waste time, effort, and money? Why put yourself and even your family through the mud bath called a "campaign?" So, in Michigan, we are stuck with two Democrat lap dogs in the US Senate.
It would be nice to sit down and ask our two US Senators why they voted to remove Don Trump in the impeachment trial, especially when the "evidence" against him appeared so bogus. No, they don't really respond to e-mails. Often I get no response. Sometimes I get them six or more months (yes months!) later. And sometimes the responses have nothing to do with the issues I brought up.
But, back to the Presidential election. Yes, I think there was some fraud. I don't think there was enough to swing the election back to Trump, but I don't know. One way or another--fraud, incompetence, technology mistakes--this election does little to affirm any confidence in our electoral process except, I suppose, to Biden supporters. I think Trump deserves his day in court. Again, I don't think anything will come of it, that the results will change. But there are enough irregularities to merit some scrutiny. Apparently quite a few people have signed affidavits that they witnessed illegal election activities. In Michigan and other states, software problems transposed votes; that is, Biden received Trump's votes and vice versa--in heavily Republican counties. How many dead people voted? Who knows what to believe? But it's claimed a guy who died in 1984, who would now be 138 years old!, voted in Michigan. Several other people almost 120 years old, also with death certificates, voted here, too. Enough to change the results of the election? Not likely. But to restore confidence in the integrity of elections is worth investigating. And, if wrong-doing is uncovered, throw the book at the wrong-doers!
Biden's calls for "unity" and "tolerance" ring very hollow to me. Where was all this sentiment for "unity" four years ago when the Democrats/Clinton lost? Oh, now that the Democrats have won, let's all play nice? From before Trump was even inaugurated, the Democrat obstruction was being planned and enacted. They lied and lied and lied in opposition. It was "Trump isn't my President!" and "Resist at all turns!" But now it's time to sing "Kumbaya." And what sort of "unity" is calling Trump voters names going to bring? In '16 and for four years, people who voted for Trump were all racists and bigots, really stupid people. The name-calling hasn't stopped. A NY Times op-ed called it "obscene" that 72 million Americans voted for Trump, suggesting they were moral failures. (Of course, voting for the scumbag Bill Clinton wasn't "obscene," wasn't an exercise in moral failure, nope!) An e-mail I received from a Trump hater marveled that after four years of Trump, people could still lack "common sense" and "decency." (I wonder if the letter writer refused to take his Trump tax cut!) After viewing the support Trump received, some people have said they now understand how "civilized, cultured Germans" chose Hitler. How ridiculous, especially in light of a call for "unity" and "tolerance." Maybe some of the Biden crew didn't get the memo that it's time to play nice.
One thing that really befuddles me is the depth of hatred people have for Trump. Oh, I think it is easy to dislike and even hate him. He is a despicable man. But how deep must that hate be, how has it permeated some people's lives, that they would choose an obviously mentally incapable man such as Biden to be President? It's frightening that people can be so consumed with such hatred. As scummy as Bill Clinton was, as divisive as Barack Obama was, there wasn't that depth of hatred.
Finally, Trump has nobody to blame for losing but himself. For one thing, he was never going to lose his base. Those people who cheered his adolescent tweets and comments were going to vote for him regardless. But, by continuing his childish behavior, he turned off people who might have voted for him because of the economy or because of the despicable behavior of the opposition Democrats and their complicit media partners, etc. Someone suggested to me, "What did you expect" from Trump? I guess Trump is who he is. He's incapable of growing up, of being an adult when it's time to be an adult. And that cost him another four years in the White House. Instead of directing their anger at the "stolen" election, perhaps they should direct it at Trump himself.
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1 comment:
Interesting how the Democrats are taking a victory lap. How they are so delighted that a unifier is President. Just wait until the far left wing starts to make noise. The demands to have a voice. This will tear the party apart. They will hang themselves. How great are these Democrats that waged war against Kavenaugh with lies and character assasinations. Barret, was a horrible person because she was a Catholic with a husband and seven wonderful children.
I hope John James does not give up. Maybe a good choice as Governor? He just has to decide if he wants to keep being attacked. But Michigan, the land of Union members who don’t think for themselves and lemmings will continue to vote the same way year after year.
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