Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Vaccine

The virus vaccine distribution has begun. The pecking order has been established and some folks have had their shots. I haven't paid a lot of attention so far. But I have been thinking about the vaccine. I know a lot of people will think me crazy (crazier?) for my thoughts on this. Like this how CoVid debacle, there is, for too many folks, only one way to think. I am hesitant to be vaccinated. First, I am loathe to get vaccinations. I'm not fearful of shots, not at all. I don't fear needles. I've been donating blood for more than 50 years and received my "100 gallon pin" from the Red Cross a few years ago. (I didn't know the Red Cross was counting. I wasn't.) But I have never had a regular flu shot and haven't had the flu in more than 30 years. The flu vaccines are not particularly effective, not if a 40% average rate of effectiveness is considered. And according to WebMD, that rate has varied, from a low of about 10% to a high of 60%. The flu vaccine also wears off. The flu virus is notorious for mutating. The medical profession doesn't really know what flu will hit from year to year and, well, how can a really effective vaccine be developed if we don't know what strain of the flu will come? I suppose some people will think 40% effectiveness is pretty good. I don't happen to think so. Too, how many vaccines have taken years and years to develop? Granted, much of the delay can be attributed to red tape/bureaucratic regulations. But my guess is that is just a fraction of the development time. It takes a lot of trial and error to develop a vaccine. Yet this CoVid vaccine seems to have come along pretty quickly, the Trump Administration's cutting of red tape notwithstanding. Its safety must be suspect, I would think, unless one is a bobble head, listening and believing everything the politicians, bureaucrats, and media spew. For that matter, that safety is being vouched for by the same people--politicians, bureaucrats, the media--who have deceived and lied to us for months and continue to do so. If that seems a bit harsh, then let's just say these people sure seem to change their minds a lot. I know they have been defended by statements such as, "We don't know yet. We're still finding out about the virus." Well, then, if that still applies, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the effectiveness of the vaccine. And now I'm supposed to trust these people? Remember, too, before the election the great skepticism being peddled by the Democrats about a vaccine. Now, it seems, they are much more on board. Which is it? Do they expect people to think the election made the vaccine more effective? Apparently they do and I'd guess the bobble heads will buy into it. I read early reports that the vaccine was "90% effective." That might be true, but I don't buy it. That's a real stretch, isn't it, "90% effective?" I'm not afraid of the virus. I do take it seriously, but it doesn't frighten me. Yep, I'm old, but I'm very healthy. I really fit none of the at-risk groups. As concerning to me is society's reaction to the vaccine. It frightens me. How will the bobble heads react to people who opt not to get the vaccine? Look how hysterical they've been so far on all things CoVid. Will businesses refuse to serve customers unless those customers provide proof of vaccination? Can goods and services be denied people who opt out of vaccinations? Can employers require them? I wouldn't like that, but could accept it if it's the businesses' choice, not something forced on them by Big Government. And that is what is most frightening? Can the federal government require innoculation? Will citizens have to carry around proof, a barcode for instance, or face fines or jail? Well, consider what they make citizens do now. Light bulbs. Flush toilets. Television sets. Shower heads. Cooking with transfats. Sizes of soft drinks/sugar sodas. Health insurance. Requiring a vaccination might not be such a big step, especially no with the bobble heads clamoring as they surely will. Speaking of the bobble heads. Why don't they just shut up and lock themselves in their houses? They achieved what they wanted. At the expense of other people's livelihoods (businesses, jobs, incomes) they have been made to feel "comfortable" that they won't die. And, no doubt, they are the ones complaining about the "greed" of those concerned about losing their businesses, jobs, etc. with the lockdowns. When thinking about "greed," maybe they should look in the mirror.

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