Saturday, March 6, 2021

True or False?

In this day and age, it's hard to know what to believe. We get fed opinions posing as reality, lies posing as facts. If something suppoorts what I believe, it's true; if it supports the other guy, it's false. The ends justify the means, I guess. It is very frustrating. I know I have peddled inaccuracies and now am almost paranoid that I'll repeat some untrue "news." That said, President Biden's choice to head HHS said this in a recent interview. "“We have two very different cultures, and we have two very different perspectives on the world,” [Xavier] Becerra told NPR. “That’s not to say one perspective is better than the other.” He was talking about the Chinese Communists' treatment of their people. Such treatmet involves not just persecution of minorities, but genocide! If true, I really hope this quote was taken out of context, although I can't imagine how it can be spun any differently. If not, what an idiotic thing for a leader of American government, a potential Cabinet officer, to think, let alone say. Genocide is merely dismissed as a "different culture...a very different perspective on the world?" So, a "culture" that abhors and resists genocide does not have "better...perspective" than one which practices it? And some people of this guy's own political party are more concerned that some Dr. Seuss books in the past included the word "Chinaman?" Regardless of the context, there seems to be a disconnect here. A while back I blogged about the practice of giving equal weight to all opinions or, in this case, "perspectives." Such a practice is ignorant and involves not only sloppy thinking, but cowardice. Back in another lifetime, when I taught in the high school, there was a push to add a course, one called "Accept and Respect." Its course description included "Students will learn that all cultures are worth of acceptance and respect" or something real close to that. How stupid! In opposing this, I asked "What about Nazis? Should we 'accept and respect" them? How about the Taliban or even the KKK?" Of course, what followed was the patronizing, "Now Ron....." So if you don't waht to include Nazis, the KKK, the Communist regimes, the taliban, why use the word "all?" Words have meanings. And knowing the academic shortcomings of many teachers, who can trust them with this? I will, as usual, write to my two US Senators about this confirmation. It will be a waste of time and effort. Both are bobble heads, blindly following the lead of their Democratic leaders. Do they ever think for themselves? If I get any response at all to my e-mails, most likely, as is usual, it will be a vanilla statement that has little to do with my concern. It's as if the replies to me are based on others' letters. How do such people get elected over and over again????? Back to Becerra. (BTW, didn't Biden butcher Becerra's name in announcing his nomination?) What could lead any American to think like this? Maybe he is echoing his President, who seemed to suggest a few weeks ago that the genocide of the Uighurs was merely the result of "a different cultural norm." Granted, during the campaign he was more critical, actually referring to "genocide." Why isn't this blasted across the headlines of our newspapers and television news? Isn't it important that Americas know this is how and what their administration thinks? Oh, I have forgotten. "All people and all cultures are deserving of acceptance and respect." Of course, it might not make any difference. Who cares how the Chinese Communist government treats its people when there is money to be made? Do I really need to name/list the US politicians and corporations who speak of "our friends the Chinese?" I could start right here in Michigan. No, spare me the thought that these pols and businesses were talking about the general Chinese population. The people are not the face of China and make no decisions. It's the Commies. But that's OK because we can make a lot of money dealing with "our friends the Chinese."

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