Sunday, April 4, 2021

Has Thinking Become Obsolete?

This Georgia election law has me scratching my head. No, it's not really the law itself, but the reactions to it. It's hard to know where to start. It seems, from the President on down, many people are flat out wrong about what the bill does. I can't help but think that the politicians and media-types are deliberately lying about it. Even the Washington Post gave the President its worst rating for lying about what's in the law to the President, four Pinnochios! WaPo--the Democrat Party lap dog!!!!! Yet, the Presdent and his press secretary have repeated those inaccuracies, which seems to me to be deliberately lying. For instance, the law does not prohibt giving water or snacks to voters waiting in line. It does ban campaign workers from doing so. Don't all states have laws preventing election workers from handing out campaign literature to voters within a certain number of feet of the polling places? There is a valid reason for that. Wouldn't allowing campaign volunteers to provide water and snacks at least open the door for the possibility of impropriety, especially given how we've seen the steps the parties have gone to in seeking to win elections? By setting certain times for submitting votes/ballots the law merely quantifies those times. Previously, Georgia law stated within normal working hours. Now the time is set, either 9 to 5 or 7 to 7 (I forget which). Who can possibly be against requiring photo ID to vote? Most people have drivers' licences and states, like Georgia, can provide free state ID cards. Again, given the very questionable activities surrounding our recent elections, what's wrong with a voter proving he/she says who she/he is? We require photo ID for many, many things. Nobody seems to complain about showing photo ID to fly, to pick up concert tickets at the will-call window, to purchase medical marijuana, or buy liquor? "Why do I have to show ID? I'm 21 and want to buy this beer. Why don't you believe I am who I say I am?" Hmmm..... Equally disturbing to me is the "wokeness" being exhibited by corporation and, as usual, the sports and entertainment industries. Has anyone read the statement Major League Baseball put out in explaining its hare-brained decision ("Hare-brained?" I'll explain in a bit.) to move the All-Star Game from Atlanta? It's apparent to me nobody in the MLB executive offices actually read the Georgia law. The MLB statement if filled wih broad woke platitudes, most of which are inaccurate. Let's pick on Major League Baseball first. Hmmm..... Who is actually being hurt by moving the All-Star Game? I'd think it is the people of Georgia. So, MLB's bone of contention is with the people, including blacks, of Georgia, not the state legislators and governor. Who is going to lose money here? It's not MLB or the players (who I've read were "blind-sided" by the change of venue). So, Georgia committed a sin and must do its pennance. Why not really show how woke you are, MLB, and move the team out of Atlanta or, at the least if that isn't legally possible, not play games there? If the players are in such complete support (and I don't believe they are) why don't they refuse to play any games vs the Braves in Atlanta? Of course, that would likely entail having to forfeit money and, no matter how woke, the cause isn't worth giving up money, is it? What are a few hundred thousand bucks to people making millions of dollars participating in a game? What will the MLB do if the Braves make the playoffs, even the World Series? "We're sorry, but because we are woke, the Braves will have to either forfeit their playoff games or agree to play them in California or New York. Those states are sufficiently woke." Oh, let's pile on! Order MLB game tickets online and indicate you will pick them up at the will-call window. But read the "rules." You will be required to show photo ID, yep, with your picture on it!, to be given your ticket at will-call. And surely, some 18-year old who wants to buy a beer at the ball park won't have to show photo ID to prove he is the 21-year old he says he is. How about Disney, Pay Pal, and Delta to just name a few corporations who require photo ID for their services? If they oppose photo ID for voting, shouldn't they also oppose it for getting their services? Of course, voting isn't nearly as serious/important as getting into a ball game or theme park or on an airplane, is it? Granted, these are private corporations and they can set their own polcies. I agree with that. And the state of Georgia is a government entity. There is a difference between the two and I acknowledge that. But one would think, at least I would, that these corporate leaders would show a little consistency, a little action to back what they say they believe, instead of "Do as I say, not as I do." Oh, let's pick on television, too. The Masters Golf Tournament is coming up--next weekend maybe. I'd imagine a major network will be covering it. The Masters in played in Augusta, Georgia. Hmmm..... Will that network back out of televising the tournament, forgoing all the advertising revenue? For that matter, will the advertisers pull out their money? After all, shouldn't the network and the advertisers put their money where their mouths are? Do people no longer think before they speak or act? Are thoughts, well-reasoned ones, now passe? How do some of these people rise in the corporate world, pure dumb luck?