Wednesday, October 6, 2021
More and more I find myself wanting to scream! Mostly it's at people. I hesitate to ask, "Can they really be that stupid?"
Do these people representing us in Congress ever stop to think? Do they realize what $3.5 trillion is? I recall not too many decades ago Sen Everett Dirksen of Illinois once admitting, "A million dollars here and a million there and pretty soon we're talking real money." Yes, he said, "million," not trillion or even billion. And this is on top of how many hundreds of billions of dollars, if not more, spend on CoVid funding.
Joe Biden has made the idiotic claim that this bill will "cost zero dollars." Maybe he uses the "different math" the school district where I used to work used. His explanation sounded like this to me. I can go to the grocery store and buy my goods, putting the cost on my credit card. But I have no intention of making any payments to the credit card company. Do I have that right?
Senotor Joe Manchin has been hailed as a hero of sorts by standing up to the Democrat leadership, refusing to agree to a bill more than $1.5 trillion. Yeah, some compromise, huh? Yet I see he's changed his numbers. Now he might be agreeable to only $1.9 to $2.2 trillion. Yep, only. And for how long afer a few billion bucks are tossed his state's (West Virginia) way? I hope he holds the line, but I'm not convinced he will.
Don't these Bozos in DC yet know that corporations don't pay taxes. No, they don't. They pass along the increased taxes in the form of higher prices. Like other costs of doing business, taxes determine consumer prices. So if companies pay higher taxes, in reality, it's you and I who are paying the taxes. Oh, but didn't Biden say he wouldn't raise taxes on those making less than $400K a year? Either he was just kidding or he has no clue about economics.
Apparently it is true that the Attorney General has asked the FBI to crack down on "domestic terrorists." No No, not the ones you may be thinking of. These are worse. These domestic terrorists are parents who are starting to attend school board meetings to protest mask mandates and critical race theory creeping into their children's curriculum. Now, I haven't heard of any violence at any of these meetings. Nobody has been attacked, not even my Viking Helmet Man. No school buildings have been burned down. All I've noticed is a lot more parents attending meetings to express their anger at what adminstrators and their rubber stamp school boards are doing.
Now, I would think having parents involved would be a good thing. But, having spend 51 years in education, I know having parents involved in school matters is only a good thing if they completely agree with administrators and school boards. Opposing views, regardless of how well-thought and factual, are not allowed. Oh no.....
Hey, the current Secretary of Education has said that parents should not be "the primary stakeholders" in their children's education. This guy had already established himself as a loon in my book and now confirms it.
Speaking of "domestic terrorism," I'm really glad the Justice Department cracked down on all those BLM and Anti-fa rioters, er, "peaceful protesters." Oh, they didn't? How many businesses and government office buildings were looted and set on fire? How many private citizens' homes were attacked and damaged? Where is the Attorney General on all this, which is still ongoing? The followers of Viking Helmet Man have been charged, with Justice Department investigations, criminal charges, etc. So, where are all the trials for the BLM and Anti-fa thugs who destroyed people's businesses, jobs, and income?
I forget which DC loon said this, some woman last week. I don't remember if she is in Congress or the Administration. She noted the difference between the January 6 mob (although the overwhelming majority of the people where were not at all violent, didn't enter the Capitol, and did nothing illegal) and the violent/destructive BLM and Anti-Fa thugs. One (Viking Helmet Man's people) were trying to overthrow the government while the "peaceful protesters" were working to advance civil rights.
And all this CoVid stuff!!!!! Our "15 days" of masks to "flatten the curve" has turned into about 20 months, with no sign of ending. Oh, there was a hiatus of sorts, but then the "experts," whose recommendations obviously didn't work, jumped back on the mask bandwagon. There are mandates out there, in cities and states and even some businesses. So, far I'd say a sizable majority are not complying, but for how long? I noted that many schools are mandating masks, in disregard of "the science" they hold so dear. Kids 18 and under are of extrememly low risk of contracting the virus. But to "save" them from this thing not at all likely to happen, schools and parents are damaging, in big ways, kids psychologically, socially, academically, physically, emotionally, and more. I read of one mother who drove her kids three hours in a car to attend a mask-mandated school. She was protecting her children, apparently not concerned what all that time in a car five days a week is doing to her kids.
I know this will generate a lot of disagreement, but I'm still not sold on the vax. Initially, we were told by people who were wrong before about masks, distancing, shutdowns, etc. or even lied about them that the vax would offer "absolute immunity." Absolute, to me, means 100%. I wasn't foolish enough to believe the "absolute" part. Then the rate of effectiveness dipped to 95%, then 80%, and now 30% of the people who are hospitalized with CoVid have had the vax. I don't think Massachusetts is an outlier, but a recent study there showed that almost 3/4 of the Covid deaths occurred in people with underlying conditions/co-morbidities and that the median, yes, the median, age for Covid deaths in the state is 82!
I have read analyses of the effectiveness of the vax that continue to show it's not what it was promoted to be. That is, the numbers presented to the public are skewed. Without going into specifics, we are presented with linear interpretations of the effectiveness of the vax. Yet the reality is not at all linear. Not all of us are the same. Those 45 and under are not at all likely to get sick, especially seriously so, or die. Healthy people who are fit, like me, are also extremely unlikely to get the virus. So, how much good is the vax really doing those who probably are not going to contract it anyway? Yet, those people skew the effectiveness upward.
I'm not necessarily blaming the "experts" or the medical community they inform. CoVid was and is a new breed. There was and is a lot we don't yet know. But I wish they wouldn't issue opinions from on high, like there is no alternative except to die. That just isn't so. My beef with the medical community is they are people of science. The essence of science is to question, to challenge. They should know the science is never "settled." They seem to have forgotten that.
I'm too busy and tired to proofread; forgive me.
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