Wednesday, March 30, 2022

"Let's Go Brandon!"

Several AMs on my runs this week I came across "Let's Go Brandon" signs and pennants/flags hanging from homes or on flag poles. "Let's Go Brandon" appears to have died down some, but I have some thoughts. I am not a Donald Trump supporter, never was and never will be. I didn't vote for him in '16 and '20 and, if he's nominated, won't in '24. People can disagree with that, but I've made myself clear. Others can accept that or not. And, they can support him if they want. This is America. I hope that doesn't cause anybody to "cancel" me. That seems to be the trend in recent years: Cancel anyone with whom one disagrees. At the same time, I can't imagine voting for Joe Biden. I don't claim the election in '20 was stolen, but I can't get my head around 80 million people voting for him--I just can't. If people and the lame stream media jumped all over Trump for his lies, they seem pretty quiet about the multitude of whoppers told by Biden. Talk about a sociopathic liar! Back to "Let's Go Brandon1" after getting the groundwork framed. First, I think the entire episode tells a lot about the lame stream media. Of course we all know where this originated. Some woman reporter was interviewing a NASCAR race winner, "Brandon" something. (I don't know his last name; I don't follow NASCAR.) In the background a huge chorus of "F**k Joe Biden" erupted from the stands. The reporter smiled and said something like, "Listen! They're cheering 'Let's Go Brandon!'" If I recall correctly, the NASCAR guy grinned and replied, "I don't think that's what they're saying." But that was the story, at least initially, "Let's Go Brandon!" I suppose I could cut the interviewer some slack, but I've heard the You Tube and "Let's Go Brandon!" wasn't what I heard in the least. That for a few days the lame stream media tried to run with this, a cover-up, says a lot. That the lame streams didn't figure out someone somewhere recorded what was actually being chanted and would soon appear all over the Internet tells even more. But there's no media bias, nope. Now, what really has had me thinking is the reaction of many people, from back when to now. I have heard people say, as well as write letters-to-editors, how "disrespectful" and "vulgar" "Let's Go Brandon!" is. One said, "It's obscene." Hmmm. Funny how selective memory as well as selective morals come into play here. I wonder how many of these same folks who cite the vulgarity, the obscenity of "Let's Go Brandon!" have ever thought about it. No curse word, nothing vulgar or obscene was uttered. What do these people think of "We were screwed?" I'm pretty sure "We were screwed" doesn't emanate from threaded fasteners used to attach items to wood, etc. Nope, that's not it. How many of them use that phrase, "We were screwed?" Are they being "vulgar?" If not, why not, especially if they think "Let's Go Brandon!" is obscene? How many of these same people said anything at all when real vulgarity was used to refer to Trump? For four years, was there any major celebrkty awards show that didn't have the obligatory "F**k Trump!" or a flashing of the middle finger? I don't recall any letters-to-the editor about that! (Should I bring up the roundly-applauded, by such people, photo of a decapitated Trump?) I also don't remember anyone telling me, face-to-face, about such obscenities/vulgarities. Nope. I know why, though. "But that's different." So, can I say the same thing as above regarding "disrespect," being "disrespectful?" Oh, the holier-than-thou, self-righteous might claim "He's the President. At least respect the office." Did they respect "the office" when Trump was holding it? I know the answer to that one, too. And some of those same critics of "Let's Go Brandon" fully embraced the Michigan governor's political ads in '18 that ended with "And I'll fix the damn roads!" So, "damn" is no longer "vulgar?" Maybe it isn't if certain people utter it, but is if others do. I will not forget a radio talk show caller during the gubernatorial (Isn't that a great word to say, "gubernatorial?") campaign, shocked that his 5-year old daughter said the word "damn" at the dinner table the night before. Thank you, Governor Whitmer! Those people my age can easily imagine would would have happened to one of us had we said "damn" at the dinner table back when! Out to walk Andy on our street, one that resembles the Burma Road of the Second World War--and our streets are paved!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Nailed it again, oh sage of Commerce Township!