Monday, December 29, 2008

If You're Paying Attention....

Note the headline on this article, "When did government regain competence?" Read the entire column, recommended, here:

Of course, the question is facetious. Government hasn't "regain[ed] competence." The same old people (and, yes, that includes the "Messiah," BO--note how his wife wants some of the gov't largesse, that is, our money to pay her for being First Lady, and his same old lame appointments) are still there. Read the quotes from Barney Frank, you know, the watchdog over Fannie and Freddie...I guess I should have written "the competent watchdog...." Ha! And this guy is determining the direction of the US????

Will is great at slamming the failed policies of FDR, LBJ, et al. We don't know our history. We like people giving us things that cost us nothing (at least we don't think they cost us anything--but wait, just wait!). We are more interested in voting (texting our votes?) for American Idol and Dancing with the Stars and you name it than electing really competent government officials.

Note, too, how he drags in the education establishment as an example of incompetence. One word he uses is "delusional." Naming the new US Dept of Ed bldg after LBJ is almost, not quite, but almost as hypocritical as givng Yassir "That's My Baby" Arafat the Nobel Prize for Peace. The guy was a crook--note how he directed the Surgeon General as the "Egg Czar." And some of us know how he played politics with the 1967 Detroit riots, while more people on the streets were getting killed, just so he could make a potential Rep Pres'l opponent (Romney) look bad--yep, trading lives for votes. W is a joke on education, No Child Left Behind. All these people with fake degrees from fake curricula....

For shame....

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