Saturday, December 27, 2008

Oh, C'mon....

Check this out:

"If people like Ray LaHood and others aren't able to earmark dollars, that money will be spent by some bureaucrat in Washington, D.C. And who knows better how to spend money on worthwhile projects than a community and an individual congressman [sic]?" Author of this malarkey? Congressman Ray LaHood--Ill., BO's nominee for Sec of Transportation. Oh, and this guy's a Republican (in name only, of course)!

Just read it carefully. The arrogance runs off this like slime! "...who knows better...?" That is the attitude among those arrogant hypocrites on Capitol Hill.

Reminds me of the attitude in the schools. "We have to spend this money!" But what if we don't need anything? "We have to spend it or they'll give it to someone else and we won't get as much next year." How utterly brilliant! Of course, it's easy to be "brilliant" with other people's money. There are flaws (dare I say stupidity!?!?) on both sides. First, maybe "someone else" needs the money more. Second, it's not "their" money, despite what Gov Jennie has stated. Third, maybe if the case can be made that we don't need the money now, but might need it next year, funds can be found for "next year."

How about this? Instead of "earmark[ed] dollars," what about a tax cut, a big one, instead of
wasting more and more money, with no end in sight? "...who knows better..." my ass--I wonder if this ding-a-ling even knows the national debt is approaching 11 trillion dollars. If he does, he obviously doesn't care. How do we keep electing these fools????

See what happens when a "Leviathan" is created and allowed to grow without restrictions and limits. We can thank most Presidents from FDR up to the present for this mess. But what do (or did) they care? One, it was always other people's money and, two, they're dead now. And, apparently, we don't care either, at least we don't care about the huge debt we are leaving our children and grandchildren. In fact, maybe it's not the "debt." Maybe we don't care about our children and grandchildren. Maybe it's all about us. Shame on us, double shame on us.

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