Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Give Me a Break!

OK, BO nominates a guy to be Treasury Secretary (remember this, Treasury Secretary) and the guy didn't pay $34,ooo in taxes over a couple of years!?!?! And, a BO spokesman said this guy's service to his country (you know, in government, where "service" means spending other people's money!) shouldn't be sacrificed because of "an honest mistake." "An honest mistake!?!?" Yeah, right. Why was the "honest mistake" only paid a few days before his nomination was announced? Hmmmm. Does that mean he wouldn't have paid it? And, this Treasury nominee "forgot" about the taxes he owed? How convenient that memory clicked in just before the nomination. And, consider if you had owed $34,000 in taxes--what would the IRS have done to you???? Hey, I didn't owe the IRS anything; by April 15 it always received what I owed. But, no, I have to pay quarterly. The damn hypocrites and what angers me more is that we let the IRS, the government, the hypocrites get away with all this crap. Remember how many people just told me, "Oh, just pay it. You can't win."????? Thanks for the support.

And, people don't want those crappy hybrid cars, the greenies. So, the government, which has mandated outrageous demands on the auto makers to make cars people won't buy, now wants to increase gasoline taxes, to make gas so expensive we'll be forced to buy the crappy hybrids. Yep, your government, you know, "Government of the people, by the people, for the people...." Oh, I forgot, they know better than we do. Yep, they who are in charge of Fannie and Freddie oversight, ruined Social Security (as if it ever had any chance), balance the budget (oh, sorry), run up an $11 trillion (we can't even imagine that figure, let alone count that high)--yep, they who know more and better than we.

And what do we do in the recent aftermath of the credit crunch, you know, the one where people who couldn't repay their loans were given them anyway? We give GMAC billions to load to, you guessed it, people whose credit ratings are even lower than they were before. What is it that is said about people who continue to do the same stupid things hoping for different results?

Yet, we remain quiet, happy in our immediate, although fleeting, prosperity. Remember Pastor Niemoeller, "First they [the Nazis] came after the Jews, but I wasn't a Jew so I said nothing. Then they came after...."

Nah, history isn't important.


datasam2 said...

What you think would have happened if that was Joe the Plumber/Reporter or Sarah Palin had let their taxes slip as an oversite.


Ron Marinucci said...

Assuming it was an "oversight," I think the media would have been all over it. The politicos would have made a big deal out of it. My todo with the IRS involved a whole lot less money, but funny how they "caught" me. And, I didn't owe any money--I actually paid every last penny and on time (by Apr 15), just not when the IRS wanted it. I was even charged 11 cents interest, taken off my rebate (incentive) check last summer. And there were three letters (how much postabe cost?) to tell me abou the 11 cents.