Friday, January 30, 2009


I see Sen Claire McCaskill is upset that 116 of the financial institutions that received TARP (unattached bailout!) money last fall paid an average of $2.6 million for executive bonuses. She called the Wall Street folks "idiots." Maybe she'd better rethink that. Who are the "idiots?" Those who take free money, with no strings attached, and give it to themselves? Or those who give away other people's (taxpayers') money with no strings attached? Hmmmm.

And these are the same people voting to give away another trillion dollars!?!?

Maybe we are the "idiots" for electing these people and then letting them do such stupid things?? If people don't know their history of the New Deal and how it didn't end, but likely prolonged the Depression, can't they at least remember back to last November?

Just consider what they are going to do, at least in their own words. One, they are going to pass a trillion dollar "stimulus" (you say stimulus, I say boondoggle) package, but without raising taxes (at least except on the rich--interesting how the figure tossed about for the cutoff line for paying more taxes is about $200/250K and members of Congress make about $185, including their recent 4-5% raise). So, that means there are only two other ways to raise the money for the $1 trillion dollar boondoggle, er, stimulus. One, it can be borrowed--from say, the Commie Chinese, the Saudis, et al. It's great to hear that we're doing business with people who hate our guts, not that they'd have ulterior motives. And borrowing so much money, who's going to pay it back--and it has to be paid back or who will lend in the future? Well, not these bozos (thanks to Lee Iacocca for reviving this term for these people), but our children and grandchildren. Isn't it nice to leave them such a loving gift? Our selfish generation will be the only one in US history not to want to see our children better off than we are. (Oh, I know we say we do, but we certainly don't act it.) Two, we can print it (or go out back and shit some, as my mother-in-law used to say). Let's see, printing up $1 trillion will lead to what, $923 loaves of bread, $663 gallons of milk--that's called inflation and that's what happens when governments just print up money. And, as Casey Stengel used to say, "You can look it up." See the Weimar/German inflation of 1923-24.

I continue to think I'm living a bad dream, with foolish things going around and nobody paying attention. "The World Turned Upside Down...."

1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

How about O capping the salaries @ 500K. Now these guys are set for life anyway. And people hate government intereference. But if you are spending my money, these pricks don't need to live the life of Riley (for those of you old enough to know what that means)